How to make a bulk card

How to make a bulk card

The bulk card is a great way to show your love near a person. There are many techniques for making such crafts. They are made from cardboard, paper and even fabrics. Sequins, ribbons and dry flowers are used as decorations. Spend some time on a bulk card and give a close part of your soul.

The easiest option of the volume postcard are simple images. A variety of butterflies and lace applications require a lot of time and experience, so master the technique of making a postcard on simple drawings. For this, the heart is perfect. To make a postcard, take a sheet of colored paper and cardboard. Cardboard will serve as a cover, and colored paper filling. In order to draw melts, use a sheet of paper into the cell.

Draw the usual heart of the desired size. Now smooth lines must be turned into cubes. To do this, outlines the cells that are immediately behind the drawing line. When the heart is ready, a simple pencil will extend the line from the bottom of the figure to 1 cm. Now transfer the template for colored paper. Blades or sharp stationery break through vertical lines. No need to cut anything horizontally. Fold the postcard horizontal lines. As a result, a convex heart should turn out. Stick the edges of colored paper to the cardboard. Do not forget to fold the cover in half. Decorate cardboard butterflies, ribbons and sparkles.

Your beloved girl can give a bulk card with butterflies inside. To do this, take cardboard and tight paper. Best if it is embossed. Draw butterflies on the paper. They are a symbol of love, and therefore should be near. With the help of a knife, circle the wings. Do not cut the plot near the torso. Now bend the wings so that they look out. Fold the cardboard cover and glue the inside the sheet with butterflies. Such a postcard can be made even a child.

How to make a bulk card

Funny the convex little animals on the postcard in the technique of quilling. Such a gift is suitable for a child or beloved mother. Take a sheet of thick color cardboard and several sheets of colorful paper. Draw a hare on cardboard. If you do not have drawing abilities, you can print its contours on the printer. Cut a white paper on a strip of 0.5 cm wide. Roll down the long paper strips "snail". Stick the resulting spirals in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tummy and the paws of the hare. To make the ears, stretch the spiral in the form of the ear. You can add a gift box postcard. To do this, draw the box on paper of another color and stick it near the hare. Take a thin satin ribbon and tie a bow. Stick a bow on the box.

How to make a bulk card

Want to congratulate your family happy new year? Then make a bulk card with a Christmas tree and gifts. To do this, take a white cardboard and green colored paper. On the paper, draw the Christmas tree and carefully cut it out with scissors or blade. Bend the Christmas tree in the center in the vertical direction. Stick "branches" to the cardboard. The trunk must write out. Using semolina or wool, make snow. Multicolored rhinestones will mimic lights and christmas toys. Under the tree, glue the squares and rectangles, on top of which to attach bows from organza or satin ribbon.

How to make a bulk card

Do not regret the manufacture of postcards an hour of your time. Close people will appreciate the work and thank you, giving love.


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