How to make a sapart for drawing

How to make a sapart for drawing

The passecut can be used to create an inimitable effect from the perception of the picture, a special mood, emphasize the color gamut of the pattern or even visually reduce or increase the image. This is specially restored The field, usually from cardboard or paper of suitable color and textures, is between frame and pattern.

For making a passe for drawing, you will need:

  • paper knife;
  • metal line;
  • double-sided tape;
  • cardboard designed for passecut, or just a good fat cardboard;
  • colored paper is better special for pastels.

If you failed to find the paper of the desired shade, and the passe will not be more than a sheet of A3 format, you can print on a color sheet of paper suitable color on a color printer. In the following image you can see the passecut made from such paper.

On the back of the cardboard sheet, make marks, respectively, with the size of the future passecut. Using the knife and ruler, cut the frame.


If the color of the cardboard is not suitable for the drawing, use the paper purchased or you printed. From the sheet of paper, cut down the same pasparta, but the inner connector can be made by 1-2 mm more, then the fraction of a light tone remains between the pattern and the passecut, which will look like a chamfer on the baguette.


On the perimeter on the front side of the passecut from the cardboard, turn the double-sided tape in such a way that there is a fine of 3-4 mm between the inner edge and scotch. In this case, you will have the opportunity after gluing a cardboard and paper passecut adjusted the irregularities of the inner stroke.


The next stage requires accuracy and does not tolerate haste: it is necessary to glue paper to cardboard mat. It is best to first fix the horizontal side, then vertical. Caution is folded the paper and remove the protective strip from the adhesive tape.

As a result of all your efforts almost ready. But if the inner light framing mats have failed to do the same from all sides, take a knife and a ruler and carefully correct these irregularities - trim the paper mat. Thus important not to damage the lower cardboard layer.


Now you have selected mat colors with light inner stroke. This is suitable for any figure. But you can improve it. To make an even greater emphasis on the design and give the figure the effect of volume, you can do a double mat with contrasting stroke. The first way - to make one more the same mat made of cardboard and attach it double-sided adhesive tape.


But if the picture is so large, the additional board is only burdening her. In this case, the finished mat can be attached to a sheet of colored paper contrasting hue and cut within the "window", leaving the strip framing about 1-3 mm.


Last one's left a very important step - to combine the mat, drawing and frame. First, using double-sided tape glue image on the paper sheet size of the mat so that it is just within the "window". Top made you attach the mat. If you use a frame with glass, just enclose it all in and properly fasten the rear panel. If you frame without glass - it is better to stick to a sheet of the mat with a pattern.

Painting with mat always looks brighter, aesthetically pleasing and stylish. The main thing - to choose the color that will be properly emphasize the cold or warm shades pattern. In addition, the mat can also be used in the design of pictures or embroidered pictures, it can be made of cloth or oval. Include imagination and experiment - you like!

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TATIANA 09.03.2017 at 17:17

Simple and affordable-turned srazu..SPASIBO MASTER

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