How to make a sword out of paper

How to make a sword out of paper

Simple in design master class on making a sword made of paper. Great idea to complement the suit to the children's holiday, is also an interesting hack to your child's games. For a sword made of paper will need one square sheet of paper. The product will look more interesting if you use colored paper.

How to make paper origami sword technique

The work is very simple, but it is better to be patient. Better to take a large sheet of paper, so get large sword. Ideal sheet A3.

So, let's move on to the process of manufacture.

  • To start from an ordinary sheet is necessary to make a square. To do this, take a sheet of corner and bend diagonally to the opposite side. Then the rest of the strip on the sheet you want to delete. This can be done with scissors or a ruler is not to tear the desired portion of the sheet.

  • Then, we turn over our square of colored side down and fold the square in half. Then you need to repeat this procedure again (bending twice a small square). Be sure to watch out for, so that the edge of his corners exactly adjacent to each other. In the folded box, which you turned out, flatten one side so that you end up with a sharp triangle. Next, do the same thing on the other side of the square.

  • Then straighten the triangle and turn it upside down. We are doing additional lines diagonally from the sides of the triangle. Now, again, you need to bend the paper on the diagonal, so that you form a square. Both sides bend toward the center. Good flex and fold disclose. Very good straighten the corners, everything to be clear on the lines. As a result, you should have a diamond. Then the sides of the rhombus are folded toward the center (the resulting figure would resemble spiky airplane).

  • Overturn our figure, the back part is folded in the middle and bend side to the inside. You will see that a triangle again. Bend all the side portions toward the center. All the same we do with the second part. Now you get a real sword blade.

  • It remains to perform the cross, and the crank. To cross was like a real sword, you need to bend many times. To do this, you need to bend in different directions all the parts of our piece. For a more presentable appearance, at the end of the tips can be folded up. As a result, it will be convenient sword lying in his hand. And the hand is protected by a crosspiece.

How to make a sword out of cardboard

Origami technique, of course, not the only way of the sword manufacturing. In addition to origami, you can use other ways. After all, every house there is a piece of cardboard from which you can make a unique weapon. Why paper or cardboard? Yes, all because their child is certainly not get hurt himself and will not cause damage to others. Plus, you can paint it or wrap as you like.

What is necessary for the manufacture of cardboard sword?

  • You must first think of its shape and size.
  • Then draw your own or download from the Internet of the future layout of the sword.
  • Cut it carefully and you can proceed to registration.
  • If the sword not of sufficient thickness, it is possible to cut two absolutely identical sword and glue them together.
  • To the sword looked believable, the blade can wrap it with foil, then it will seem an iron.
  • Spider and the handle also can be decorated with foil or all kinds of ribbons, tape, sequins, beads, stones, thread, etc.

Making any sword with a child, you get a lot of positive impressions and will occupy its fidget useful, since such studies help to develop perseverance, concentration, attention, and love of work.

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