How to make a boat from paper

How to make a boat from paper

Want to spend leisure with your child, but do not know what to take it? You can make a boat from paper together. Such pastime develops figurative thinking and fine motility of hands. Thanks to the origami classes, the baby will become more relaxed and amp. In this article, we describe the process of making a boat from paper in detail.

In order to make a boat, take a rectangular sheet of paper A4. Fold it in half horizontally. Now expand the sheet and fold in the vertical direction. In the deployed form, the paper will have two bends. Now adjust the corners in such a way that they connect in the center of the canvas. There should be a triangle with small sideboards. One of them is adjusted inside and put on a triangle. Turn the product and adjust the side on the other side. Speaking angles Bend the square from the triangle, expanding the bottom of the product. Now bent corners will be in the center of Roma.

How to make a boat from paper

Bend the rhombus diagonally on the other side so that it turns into a triangle. Repeat the previous step, pulling the edge of the triangle. As a result, the square will turn out. Corners of the shape pull out. Boat is ready.

How to make a boat from paper

To make a boat, you will have to try. The order of work is completely different from the manufacture of a boat-boat. To do this, take a square sheet of paper and fold it diagonally. Be sure to stick your finger. Expand the paper and do the same, only on the other side. There should be a square with auxiliary lines. Now the opposite corners are connected in the center. On the other hand, do the same, only the angles do not come into contact. Between the vertices should be a distance of 1 cm. Bend the figure in half. Now pull the triangle corners. Must get a boat.

How to make a boat from paper

You can make a boat-sailboat that the Japanese love to fold. It is different from the classic boat, which we used to do. Take a square sheet of paper and bend it diagonally. Bend two angle along the central line. Connect the lower and top corner in the center to form a horizontal strip. Bend two sidelines vertically. Now make a straight outflow from a stupid angle, fading it perpendicular to the base. Must form a sail on a flat-based triangular form. Such a boat is perfectly floating during wind gusts, so it can be launched on the river.

How to make a boat from paper

Want to make a long boat from paper without sail? Fold in half a square sheet. Now sides connect in the center. There should be a rectangle with the ends of the sheet in the center. On each side, bend the edges to the center. Before you an elongated hexagon. Now bent the corners again, only now the seam should not be in the center, but be at an angle. Make so on all sides where the corners. It turns out a diamond, the corners of which must be connected in the center. Holding them out, pull the walls of the boat, straighten the origami.

How to make a boat from paper

The boat can be painted at their discretion. If you want to play with a child in the boats in the bathroom, then for the manufacture of crafts, take a dense, colored paper. It is not necessary to color, since during water procedures, paint will wash off from the surface.

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