Halloween is not far from around the corner, just still have enough time to prepare. In the event that you have already invented a suit, but you lack an important attribute - long claws, this part of the costume can be made independently of the paper.
How to make claws from ordinary paper
Origami lovers know how it is not easy to fold out of paper at first glance a simple figure. This applies to the work on creating paper claws. At first glance, everything is simple, but how it comes to the case, then difficulties arise.
Make feline claws from paper:
- it will take a regular landscape sheet or colored paper sheet, format - A4. Color - if desired can be any, easier to work with white paper;
- put the sheet on a flat table or another smooth surface with a short side to yourself. The left side of the leaf should be started to the right side. It turns out a small thin strip - it is just needed, so do not cut it;
- this thin strip is wrapped in the square of the square and wrap the edge. It turns out a pentagon;
- next, you need to fold in half the figure gained and bend first the upper edge down to get a triangle;
- take a pencil and notice the middle to fold the left corner with the right and bend. We do not bend strongly, only to outline the place of bend;
- then this figure should be revealed to return the triangle "into place". It turns out on the middle of the planned fold, now it is necessary to send and wrap the left corner to the middle of the strip, fold;
- now it is also necessary to do with the right corner, it needs to be bent towards the left;
- now it is almost ready for a cohot, inside the figure it turns out a hole, and you need to insert a finger. It will fit in pocket-deepening, and a large protruding part is the sharp part of the claw.
How to make claws from paper. Second method
It will take several sheets of white cardboard, scissors, ruler, glue or tape.
We make claws from paper so:
- On a sheet of paper, draw a triangle - this is our template. The length of the acute angle of the triangle is equal to the length of each cogulation.
- To guess with the size, you need to measure the circumference of each finger and proceed from this data.
- Do not forget to add to the size of a few centimeters on the allowance and take into account, you will wear claws directly on your fingers or glove to gloves.
- Cut the pattern by contour, we apply to the sheet of cardboard, we supply the pencil and cut out the finished item.
- We turn this detail in the form of a cone, we glue the edges with glue, leave to the back. You can attach to the tape.
- After the claw is completely dry, you need to take a sharp stationery knife and make the cut diagonally from above 2.
- CONOE Cut into 3 parts and insert into my friend at an angle, and then build this design with a scotch tape or wrap it with glue.
- It remains only to make a highlight and paint claws from paper.
How to make claws from paper. Third method
If there is a paper for origami, then you can make claws differently:
- take a tight paper sheet with dimensions 21.25 by 27.5 cm;
- on the long side of the sheet, you need to wrap the corner to the edge, which is on the opposite side and cut off the part of the paper that performs;
- the result is a square sheet;
- bend this figure in half, but diagonally, so that it is like this:
- then again bend the paper to get a triangle with the same sides. Sefibeles need to try well;
- once again, bend the billet diagonally, only now the line starts from one corner and ends in the middle between the other two angles. Try to carefully smooth out the fold line;
- cuge is almost ready, it must be put in front of him so that the sharp part is to be left and roll over the smaller corner towards the acute part. Figure must be deployed. Thus, it turns out the "pocket" in which you need to insert your finger.