How to make a cat from paper

How to make a cat from paper

Create various figures from paper for many people. To learn this skill is not easy, but perhaps. At the initial stage it is recommended to learn how to collect lighter figures. For this cat is suitable.

You will need a sheet of paper A4. It is worth noting that color options look much more beautiful, so you can take a sheet of absolutely any color. Bend the sheet in half to get a long rectangle. Well sell fold - from the same side. Then cut 10 cm on either side so that the rectangle turns out a little shorter. Expand the sheet and cut half (use the ruler). You got two halves - you can create two cats. Take one half and fold it again in half, as in the previous case. Make so that the fold line is well fixed. Put the sheet to the drop-down side. Then bend half the drop-down side up. Turn the sheet and do the same with the other side. It turns out some harmonica.

Make sure that all folds of folds are carefully sold. Return the sheet into the former state (folded input) and put it with a piecework to yourself. On the left side, get the corner. Open sheet. You will see the top of the triangle formed by the bend lines. Eyes mark the sharp corner of the triangle. Then bend the top to this mark. Open the sheet completely. The resulting triangle is the outlined head. On the focused lines, bend the sheet so that it turns out a rectangular box - start the edges of the sheet down. Then close the bottom line to each other so that they complicate.

In the upper part there is a triangle - sell it down so that the workpiece closes completely. Expand the workpiece of the one-piece part to yourself. Singing one side in half to yourself. Please note that the left part (where the head is located) should not touch - just get the line not to the end. Turn over the workpiece and do the same with the second part. You have formed a torso of a future cat. Take the item in such a way that the face looks at you, and create a head on the already scheduled bends. Good sell a triangle. Then press the top lines to the upper horizontal line. We turn to the formation of the ears. At the ends of the horizontal line, you see the vertical fracture lines. Next to them are small triangles. Carefully clamp the triangles along with the vertical lines in such a way that there are ears.

The fold formed between the ears, bend a little back. At the same time, you will touch on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe ears - it is necessary. Well align her. It turned out a head with ears. Bend torso in half into the right side. Take it back and open it. You will see four folds. Now bend the torsch in half horizontally. Take it up again and form it. The upper part of it is untouched, and the lower part of the horizontal line is on the top of the horizontal line. When you turn off the lower part back, form the top in such a way to get the paws.

You will see some kind of harmonica - it will only be able to turn it out correctly. The corner must be completely closed, and the lower part - turn back. She is a tail of a cat and her rack. Bend the corner of the tail and roll it into the tube. Then deploy it back - the wavy tail will be obtained. A little open the cat's cat so that she could stand. But the upper part (neck) should remain assembled. If it is revealed, you can glue it. Cat ready!

Now you know how to create a cat from paper. The classic option is very simple in the assembly. You can decorate the figure at your own desire and put it on the table. Figures created from paper with a pattern look very original.

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