How to make a swan of paper

How to make a swan of paper

Many children and adults are fond of creating interesting crafts from paper. Subsequently, they can decorate a festive table or create original bonbonnies. If you never created paper shapes, start with a classic swan. You can make it in just 5 minutes.

Cut from a rectangular leaf square. The perfect size is 21x21 cm. Fold the square diagonally and disappear. Do the same with the other side. There should be two lines of bend: horizontal and vertical, which crosses it. Then bend two corners to one of the diagonals. Figure will resemble a plane. Turn over the workpiece and bend the sharp angle to the upper corner.

Turn over the shape again. You will see two pockets that need to be well disclosed. Take one pocket, pull it down until it stops and bend - itch should be bent. Do the same procedure with the second pocket. On the one side of the workpiece you should get a horizontal fold line. Put the item in such a way that it is exactly her. The sharp bottom should indicate you. Bend one of the top corners of the sheet to the horizontal line. Take it back. Thus, you put a label that is useful in the future.

A sharp angle that points to you, lift and bend to the installed mark. Then bend the corner from the tag to the horizontal line. As you already guessed, it will be a swan head. Fold the blank half the vertical line. From this point on, the formation of a swan begins. Left hand hold the part, and rightly raise your neck. Please note that below you have to stay for your paws. Do not make the bottom very small, otherwise the swan will be bad.

Bend the neck of the swan to leave the paws. You will see a swan head looks down. Take it and lift up to watch the swan straight. Below, start the corners on each side up to get the paws. All is ready! If you did everything right, the swan should stand well. You can leave it in this form, and you can reveal two pockets (tail) well and subsequently put on nuts, small candies or other sweets.

If you wish, you can make a swan corrugated tail. Take one pocket and hush it, then unleash the tip out. Already a bent tip flashed again. Expand the pockets - you will see the resulting bends. Well give each of them so that they are more distinct. At the same time, create some kind of harmonica - one fold is leaving at the top, the second - at the bottom, etc., exactly the same procedure with the second pocket. Tails will be corrugated.

You can also make a swan from papier-mache. Make an egg from plasticine. Then brush the napkin into small pieces and get them on the workpiece. Fill the entire surface. After that, in the same way, brush the shallow paper and turn the pieces from above. The layer should turn out quite dense. When the torso dry, cut it gently and remove the plasticine. Spread the craft again. Create your head on the same principle. Neigh the neck with wire. Form your neck and wrap it with paper 3-4 times. Do holes in your head and torso and carefully stuck your neck. If the joints of the joints turned out to be too noticeable, you can cover the swan with water-level paint. Then cut the wings (2 oval). Make the downline at the bottom. The upper cut of the wings are sticking to the body, and the bottom - beaten a little. Eyes and beaks you can cut out of colored paper and glue your head. All is ready!

Now you know that the creation of a paper swan is very simple. From the first time, the result may not justify your expectations, but regular workouts will make their job. If you enjoy the process, you can easily learn how to create more complex modifications of swans and other interesting shapes.

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