How to make a box

How to make a box

When you need to give something small, it is always very difficult to determine the packaging. In a bag, the thing is not climbing, it may be damaged or tortured. For such gifts, the paper box is best suited. It can be done independently.

How to make a box from paper - what you need

To independently make a paper box, prepare:

  • double-sided paper sheet (with pattern), cardboard, design paper - something one to choose from;
  • decor: beads, ribbons, buttons;
  • acute knife;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • scotch for 2 sticky sides;
  • line;
  • pencil.

How to make a box

In order not to spoil the sheet of beautiful colorful paper, try to make the same box only from the usual sheet of white paper or a cardboard sheet to understand the principle. You can also at the same time and understand the box sizes may have to increase.

We offer to make a conventional square box of paper. You can put candy in it, the soap that you did yourself, decorating handmade, hairpins and hair gum, cookies, etc.

How to make a paper box:

  • we transfer to a sheet of ordinary paper drawing, cut out over the line;

  • if the size suits, we apply the leaf to the sheet of paper, outlawing on the edge of the pencil, cut with scissors on the outlined contour. Lines must be smooth. Take the workpiece and the dotted line bend. If your paper is dense, then you need to be a sawn or any sharp item along the fold line to make a deepening. So you will see clear bends and you will know where you need to bend the workpiece. Stick 2 bilateral scotch strips;

  • collect the box, glue. Top decorate decorative elements.

How to make a box-case

This option is also suitable for packing a small gift. It is done easily, tools and materials will need a minimum - this is a sheet of paper, ruler and scissors.

How to make a box-case:

  • from the usual sheet of cardboard or tight leaf of white paper Make patterns;
  • attach the workpiece to the sheet of paper, outline contours with a simple pencil;
  • cut along the contour;
  • bend paper on the fold line;
  • collect a box.

How to make a bonbonniere of paper

An excellent idea is to make a cake from individual paper boxes, and the guests can be put in addition to each box.

The decor of each box can be made both before collecting the workpiece and after. It all depends on the idea.

How to make a box with a heart

What is good such a paper box? She is beautiful, it is done literally in a few minutes, and the result - exceeds all expectations, because the gift is presented in an individual and unusual box. For a gift to your girlfriend, you can make a beautiful paper box with hearts.

Candles with hearts 2 options:

  • the first option - you need to cut out of paper on the contour the workpiece and bend it along the fold line;

  • the second version of the box is simpler, it is done similarly;

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