How to make nails from paper

How to make nails from paper

An excellent idea for adding the image of Freddie Kruger or another monster for Halloween will be long paper nails. They are made of simple paper, so they will not require special costs from you. So nails can be scared a girl sitting in front of you in the classroom or play friends at a party. For the manufacture of nails, a set of paper for origami is also suitable. After completing all the steps of work, you can cover their dark paint to create an awesome image of ghosts. For each finger, a separate nail is made. It can be stupid or pointed, soft or staring at your discretion.

Put the paper vertically on a table or any smooth surface. You can use any type of paper that is at home. Stringing nails make out of more tight paper.

We begin to form a triangle. Lower the upper right corner down. Align its edge with a side of paper.

Under the triangle on both sides bend two small triangles.

The top of the large triangle is connected to the right right side (fold the triangle in the center).

Fold in the lower part two side triangles with great (as indicated in the figure).

Now you have one big triangle.

Fold the model in half. Imagine a vertical line separating the figure in half (from point to base, right in the middle). You create the right triangle. You can first draw a pencil line. Make sure it goes at a right angle to the bottom of the triangle. This fold will be important for subsequent stages.

Bend the left side into the fold to the base center. Make sure that you make each fold is very tight and at the desired angle. If the folds begin to lean up, instead of staying smooth, the nail will not be so durable.

Left edge Complete once again and cover it on top of the right side. You already see that your nail is almost ready. Be careful, align the fibe of your imaginary lines.

Severe the lower valve in the middle of the figure. Keep it so that the finger is easily inserted into one of the flaps.

With the first fitting it may seem that the hole was too dense, thus the nail will be fixed on your finger and does not subscribe when driving.

As you can see, everything is done very simple and quickly. For greater understanding of the stages of work, we offer to watch video.

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