How to make a star from paper

How to make a star from paper

For interior decoration or thematic holidays, such an element of decor as a star is often used. Variations on the top of the stars are very much: large and small, volumetric and flat, double or single. Materials for making crafts also differ significantly. It can be paper, fabric, foil, wire and other remedies. In this article, consider the most popular formats of manufacturing stars from paper. Well, and make it easier to the task of the selection of thematic photos, detailed schemes and the master class of the master class on the manufacture of a star with their own hands.

How to make a small paper star

Such stars are fine (1.5 cm), but in large quantities they look very impressive and original.

It will take color or glossy paper to work (you can also use old glossy magazines) and scissors.

  • First make blanks: cutting strips from paper, measuring 29x1.1 cm. Width and length of strips can be changed according to the desired size of the future star.
  • From the strips to make a small loop (with the edge), then sticking out a short end. It turns out a pentagonal figure, it is slightly pressing.
  • Turn over the product (pentagon) and continue working with the long end of the strip.
  • The strip is beginning tightly, step by step to wrap a pentagonal figure, not too clamping it. Such wraps are not less than 10, that is, every edge of the star turns around twice.

  • The remaining edge stripes hide under the bottom.
  • The next step: the transformation of the pentagon in a full star. Holding the workpiece with one hand, the finish the face of the pentagon, forming the rays of the sprocket, is finished. Five presses - and the star is ready!


  • Such stars look very stylish in the interior: they can fill the glass vase or jar. And if you do this thing together with the children - the motility of fingers is perfectly trained.

How to make a bulk star from paper

For the manufacture of such bulk stars, dense decorative paper, scissors and glue are needed.

  • Draw the stars ray blanks, print and transfer to the desired paper.
  • Bend along the lines and glue along the edge (bonding allowances).
  • Then, five prepared templates to glue with each other, receiving a surround view of the star.

  • The magnitude of the stars can be adjusted independently, increasing or reducing the size of the template.

How to make a star origami from paper

Such stars look great and stylish from newspaper or tank paper.

  • Lined a square shape to fold in half, then bend the triangle of one of the vertices.
  • The same maneuver should be done on the other vertex of the rectangle.
  • The opposite corner of the rectangle is attached to the intersection point of previous folds.

  • Next, bending the rays of the future star along the drawn lines. The remaining rapid tail of the workpiece - trim.
  • With the proper execution of all folds, you can see a pentagon pattern.

  • The final stage is the most complicated. To get a star, you need to carefully bend and wrap around the lines the resulting pattern.

So, in this article, the most popular methods for making a paper star were considered. Absolutely different in appearance and method of manufacture, presented options, ideally fit into the festive interior and will become a spectacular decoration.

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