March 8
  • March 8
    Children love to make various crafts, and especially if it is a handicraft for mom. They make them with tenderness, warmth and love.
    26.12.2017 329 0
  • March 8
    At the beginning of spring, March 8, children wish to please their mothers and give them anything useful and necessary.
    17.08.2017 393 0
  • February 23
    With the expectation of holidays and guests to the table, often tormented thoughts, how to decorate the same table. Of course, you can simply make a lot of delicious dishes and support guests with interesting conversations.
    02.02.2017 422 0
  • March 8
    Mom is the closest and dear person in the life of everyone. I want to pamper it regardless of the holiday. Therefore, if you wanted to make a surprise to her, then go to paper and fantasy.
    17.01.2017 463 0
  • March 8
    A gift made with your own hands always causes lunizing. In the process of creation, the present, the creator puts the part of his soul.
    18.12.2016 483 1
  • March 8
    A modern woman today is both mother, wife, and even the president of the country. But quite a recently, the weak floor did not even have the right to vote, not to mention the key state posts.
    16.11.2014 845 0
  • March 8
    Holiday on March 8 is looking forward to every girl, girl, woman and grandmother. And all men are waiting for this holiday with a headache, because to arrange annual surprises - it's very serious and responsible, requiring thorough preparation.
    15.11.2014 1131 0
  • March 8
    Gifts made by their own hands are most valuable. So, and make a postcard on March 8 on your own - this is a lot of not only children in kindergarten and first-graders.
    12.11.2014 3705 0
  • March 8
    Many women have a spring offensive on March 8. Despite the fact that the weather at this time in most cities of Russia is not quite spring, I want to spend a holiday in a special way.
    11.11.2014 2261 0
  • March 8
    Every year, a man, from Mala to Great, break their heads that to give women on March 8. I want the present to please and remind you of you for a long time.
    10.09.2014 2100 0
