How to decorate a festive table

How to decorate a festive table

With the expectation of holidays and guests to the table, often tormented thoughts, how to decorate the same table. Of course, you can simply print a lot of delicious dishes and support guests with interesting conversations. And you can show creativity and turn the ordinary table in the elective and unusual.

How to decorate a festive table - Elegant tablecloths and napkins

Cover the table with a tablecloth and pick up dishes or napkins in tone to it. If you celebrate any calendar holiday, it would be nice that certain elements are reminded of on the tablecloths and napkins. For example, snowflakes or deer on Christmas napkins; Pictures of colors on plates to the International Women's Day. Learn to put the napkins beautifully in a certain form, it will not be so trite and dilute the standard festive table.

How to decorate a festive table - thematic decor

Decor elements are a fairly important component of the festive table. Drop beautifully bottles, sewing creative clothes in the topic for the holiday. Decorate the table as beads, glass balls, silk ribbons, if the situation requires. Put small Christmas trees on a New Year's table or small toys for a child's birthday. On the table can also be placed on wood figures, ceramics or silver.

How to decorate a festive table - candles and flowers

Candles and candlesticks look amazing on the table. They add romance, and the small light warms the soul. If the candlesticks do not like - put candles into small cups. Do not forget that the candlestick must be combined with dishes. Ceramic candlestick surrounded by dish from crystal, it will look ridiculous. Live flowers will bring freshness and tenderness. It is advisable to put them in small vases. And you can combine candles and flowers. Put the flower on the table, put an inverted glass from above, taking a flower under the "dome". Top on the leg put a candle.

How to decorate a festive table - clothes on spanks

If dishes are expected on your festive table on skewers or pastries, we offer to make a variety. Choose a few small thematic pictures on the holiday, print on paper. Cut these pictures and shock with glue or scotch tape. So your table will become more fun.

How to decorate a festive table - Decorated dishes

You can also make a peculiar work of art. There is a lot of ideas about the decorations of salads, beautiful ways to feed cutting. This will require time, but you will be satisfied result.

The holiday will feel even more if the table will also be decorated festive. No need to be lazy, try to carefully prepare for the celebration. Surprise relatives and friends and give them a festive mood.

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