How to cover the table for Easter

How to cover the table for Easter

Easter is a bright holiday that Christians meet all denominations. Each people have their own traditions, but the cakes remain unchanged, Easter eggs and noisy funny walking. Today we will talk about how to cover the table for Easter so that it is both beautiful, and traditional.

Mandatory attributes of the Easter table - consecrated in the church of the cake and eggs. Their hostess are preparing in advance: in the great Thursday or Saturday. Since the cakes are a symbol of the presence of the Lord on Earth, and their sweetness is a symbol of its comprehensive love, do not bother to sugar, eggs and butter in the sdobe.

Curd Easter is a festive dessert, without which there is also no festive table of Christ Sunday. Its traditional form is a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the coffin, from which the Savior was resurrected.

At the festive table, ancient times put the koror, which is allowed to sanctify in the temple. But vodka, champagne and other alcohol in the church are not recommended.

Mandatory products also include butter and home sausage. It is important to collect all the main foods on the Easter table, so that all the next year this snack was found in the house, and the family did not know. Our ancestors tried at the Easter table to collect up to 48 dishes (by the number of days of the post preceding the holiday) and paint as many eggs as possible. Today there are few few, but the tradition of abundance on the festive table remained.

Flowers, grass and other symbols of spring are also welcome on the table. From a long time, our grandmothers all winter before Easter did hand flowers and greens of paper and colored fabrics to decorate the icons and a festive table. Today you can make a green cleaner right on the table. Use for this bunch of dill is a grass, and flowers from carrots, beets and apples. Be sure to expand Easter eggs on the "Polyanka".

Some hostess make a live gland right in a salad bowl. Fall on the bottom of the land plate, they are abundantly watered with water and thrown in the chernozem grain of oats. Saladant are placed on the windowsill - closer to the sun, so that the Spring Spring.

Put candles from the temple on the table. One candle should be in consecrated cake, others are placed between dishes. Located the most beautiful, festive tablecloth, spread lace napkins from plates.

Beautiful table to Christ is ready. Call guests, Christ is risen!

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