How to give easter eggs

How to give easter eggs

Easter is considered to be the most important holiday of the Orthodox calendar, because on this day there was a resurrection of the Lord, and humanity has gained hope for salvation. Easter is celebrated after graduating from a great post - a strict restriction in food when you can eat only lean dishes.

The mandatory attribute of Easter is a festive table, dishes on which they begin to cook even in pure Thursday. The menu of this table is diverse, but there are treats, without which it is difficult to imagine this day. This is, of course, cakes and eggs decorated with various ways.

Tradition to decorate and give eggs related to the sacred legend. In the times of the Roman Empire, when ordinary people had the opportunity to visit the emperor with the past only, provided that they would bring him as a gift, Maria Magdalene decided to inform the emperor about the joyful event of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. However, she had nothing but the white chicken egg, which she handed the emperor with the words "Christ Risen!". It caused laughter from Tiberius, because he did not believe that someone could rise from the dead. The skepticism of this person forced him to pronounce his mocking words: "I believe in the truth of these words, if this white egg will become red." Miracle did not make himself wait: the egg changed its color to red. Then Tiberius was forced to answer in surprise: "Truly risen!"

Every Easter the younger family members give older eggs, uttering traditional words "Christ Risen!". In response, gifted answers "Verily Rissed!". After that, a troped kiss in the cheeks is required, the so-called christ.

If the holiday will be at a party, slow down the basket of the vine and decorative napkins to beautifully work out an Easter gift from the decorated eggs and Kulukha to the owners of the house. It is important that each family member will receive at least one egg as a gift. As a supplement to an Easter gift, you can attach flowers, a postcard, bright ribbons, soft toys or thematic figurines. Greeting should pronounce that came to visit, regardless of age. After that, hook.

In some countries, for example, Germany, the United States, an escort hare, which gives the nest with decorated eggs only to obedient children. Children prepare nests in advance (it may be a common hat) and hide them in secret places, expecting that Easter hare gives the nest with bright eggs.

Neither a single holiday, including Easter, does not do without entertainment. On this day, games are associated with Easter eggs. For example, riding eggs is a competitive Easter game. Before starting the game, painted eggs, small toys lay on a flat surface and prepare the grooves. Each of the participants through the groove rolls the egg down: what the egg fell, the participant and won; If the egg did not fall into prizes, it remains in place and becomes a possible prize for other participants.


Beach eggs - another option of fun fun, determining, whose Easter egg is stronger. Each participant takes one Easter egg, then pairly knock eggs. A broken egg comes out of the game. The last whole egg gives the victory to its owner.

Often on the night from Saturday on Sunday, when there is a consecration of food for a festive table, people sacrifice part of their treats to the church for the poor, who are taking care of people, showing their care.

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