At all times, Easter cake or Easter was the main symbol of the Easter holiday. He was at the head of the table. And every hostess baked cake with her own hands, putting his soul into him and, of course, his little secrets.
We will need:
Yeast - 80 g;
Milk - 0.5 tbsp.;
Cream - 2/3 of Art.;
Sugar - 300 g;
Yolks - 12 pcs.;
Proteins - 3 pcs.;
Salt - 0.5 ch. L.;
Butter cream -200 g;
Raisins - 200 g;
Vanilla - 1 bag (2 g);
Alcohol or rum - 1 tbsp.;
Flour - 1 kg;
Proteins - 2-3 pcs.;
Sugar powder - 1 tbsp.;
Salt - 1/6 tsp.
Preparing opar. Heat 0.5 tbsp. Milk up to 30 degrees and make 50 g of yeast in it.
When yeast dissolves, add cream and salt.
Slowly add flour. The dough on consistency should turn out like a thick sour cream. The flour is warmed in advance and sift twice on fine sieve. Opara is suitable for about 6 hours in a warm place in a covered pan.
Next, prepare the dough from the pothoras. We are whipped by a wedge of 12 yolks with sugar and lubricate into the layer, also add whipped proteins whipped in tight foam.
We add the oil melted on the water bath.
Washing and wrapped in advance raisins to dry the napkin, then cut into flour and add to the dough.
Then add vanillin, diluted with alcohol or rum.
Again we divorce 30-35 g of yeast in warm milk (2 tbsp) and we are lying in the dough.
Gradually, interfere with the remaining flour and dough 40-60 minutes.
We put in a saucepan. We put in a warm place. And leave to approach until it increases twice in volume.
While the dough is suitable, prepare forms. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate them with butter, put on the bottom of the paper for baking.
When the dough is ready, fill it with the form on 1/3. To do this, press off the necessary size of the slicer of the dough and run them in the hands, lubricated with sunflower oil, until smooth "bunches". They are laid neatly on the bottom of the form.
When the dough rises a little more than half of the form, send it to the oven. Bakeing time depends on the volume of form - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. If the top is smoothed too early, you can be covered with damp paper or thin cloth.
Baked cakes removed from the mold and give them cool. Then decorate proteins whipped with powdered sugar in a tight foam. As well as decorations used marmalade, various powders, candied fruit, nuts, sugar decorations.
Easter cake, made with his own hands, vymeshenny with love and good wishes, will be not only a table decoration, but also a talisman for the whole family!