Personal development
  • Psychology
    In the modern world, there are very few reasons to find and keep love for yourself. Constantly increasing plank achievements, the inability to sobble for more secured and successful people strongly lower self-esteem.
    10.03.2019 277 0
  • Psychology
    Due to the insecurity and complexes imposed in childhood, many women misses a lot of opportunities because they are afraid to act.
    08.02.2019 330 0
  • Psychology
    As such a certain concept of the spirit of the Spirit, not because it is difficult to explain what it is, but because this concept includes a lot of definitions, factors, etc.
    26.05.2018 539 0
  • Psychology
    If earlier the word of mercy was used quite often and at the same time was really important, today, to great regret, it is just a long-forgotten word, about the designation of which few people know, not to mention that it is inherent to someone.
    25.04.2018 477 0
  • Psychology
    Imagination is the ability of human psyche to create images, paintings and ideas in consciousness.
    26.02.2018 408 0
  • Personal development
    It is believed that modesty is the best decoration of man. There are many proverbs, sayings and stories on folk creativity on this topic.
    19.02.2018 398 0
  • Education
    A person is a unique creation that the whole life interacts with the outside world. His attitude and a look at society follows from socialization.
    29.01.2018 429 0
  • Personal development
    One of the main distinguishing qualities of a person from other living organisms is the ability to exercise humanity towards the environment.
    22.12.2017 410 0
  • Relationship
    Words of gratitude have long been entered in everyday speech. We say "Thank you!" A friend, for calling, taxi driver or a bus driver who brought a passing, which showed the road or a colleague, which helped the elevator.
    30.10.2017 476 0
  • Help
    The lines on the hand have long aroused the interest of a person. Even those who do not believe in the definition of fate with their help involuntarily pay attention to these marks.
    22.10.2017 442 1
  • Relationship
    Communicability is a very useful person of a person who helps him not only in communicating with other people, but also in achieving a successful life.
    04.10.2017 399 0
  • Children
    All parents want to know that their three-year-old child should be able to do. Of course, the abilities depend on the attached efforts of the parents themselves.
    27.09.2017 458 2
  • Psychology
    A person is a unique creation with an incredible number of innate and acquired abilities.
    28.07.2017 473 0
  • Psychology
    Misantropy - general hatred, distrust or contempt for human genus or human nature.
    23.07.2017 448 0
  • Psychology
    Love yourself - it means to be able to come to the inner harmony in the shower. Signs can be given, testifying to the obvious lack of love for their modest person.
    27.06.2017 635 2
  • Psychology
    Laine is considered common videos among the population of the whole globe. Few people know that laziness sometimes does not harm, but protects the tired human body from overvoltage.
    21.06.2017 453 1
  • Society and culture
    Competitions are a rather exciting event, but at the same time, they add confidence in themselves and bring a variety of in everyday life.
    23.03.2017 443 0
  • Psychology
    You reread a lot of articles on the topic "How to become cool", but can not imagine how these skills apply to school?
    05.03.2017 503 0
  • Children
    Parents often want their children to live well, and in something even exceeded the parents themselves. When a small princess is growing in the family, then the question of the right upbringing is from childhood.
    05.03.2017 457 0
  • Pregnancy
    Before the birth of a child, quite a bit of time left and you no longer wait to become a happy mom, but the rest does not give fear before childbirth.
    20.02.2017 450 0
  • Psychology
    As they grow and accumulate knowledge and experience in various fields, a person has his own look at life, his worldview.
    19.02.2017 455 0
  • Astrology
    Marilyn Kerro is a famous Estonian witch who takes part in the popular transmission of the "Battle of Psychics".
    19.02.2017 623 2
  • Psychology
    A uncertain person deprives himself many opportunities. At confident people, employers immediately pay attention, such people are easier to defend their point of view and achieve goals.
    11.02.2017 621 0
  • Board games
    For beginners, the poker game may seem too complex and confusing. Infinite combinations, strict rules and swirling strategies introduce them into a stupor and lead to a series of losses.
    27.01.2017 512 0
  • Psychology
    Character can be changed. Do not believe those who say it is impossible to do it! All in your hands.
    20.01.2017 481 0
  • Psychology
    You think that we are deprived of a sense of humor - not trouble! Miscer friends, invent funny jokes, be witty and interesting person can absolutely each.
    16.01.2017 581 0
  • Personal development
    As they say, if you want you to love you, love yourself yourself. High self-esteem is not just an elevated opinion about your person.
    02.01.2017 477 0
  • Psychology
    Extrasensory abilities have every person, but many they are hidden in the depths of the soul. Remember unique cases from your life.
    03.12.2016 525 0
  • Dependencies
    We can say with confidence that in the life of every person there was parting, most of them even once.
    06.11.2016 502 0
  • Diets, slimming
    Medical studies have shown that almost every third person suffers from overweight.
    24.10.2016 662 2
  • Psychology
    In the life of each of us there are moments of weakness, when it seems that everything is collapsed around, we do not live that life that you dreamed or do not get anything to achieve anything.
    22.10.2016 565 1
  • Children
    Girls like small, fluttering fairies, possessing magical power. They manage different elements.
    07.09.2016 582 0
  • Psychology
    Self-life, whether in a metropolis or in a small regional town, takes the opportunity at least a few hours a day to devote to his own person, while staying alone with him, with his thoughts.
    17.07.2016 633 0
  • Psychology
    Everything flows, everything changes. In almost every human life there is a situation when it becomes just necessary to change something in yourself.
    03.04.2016 941 1
  • Personal development
    Nowadays, people have become often wondering how to clean their karma, how to avoid karma. This topic has become very relevant and popular among people, karma - these are perfect actions in all incarnations.
    10.03.2016 827 0
  • Psychology
    Many people wonder about the level of their intelligence. And what if you are a genius, and do not know about it? There is a universal way to know your level of mental development: pass the IQ test.
    19.02.2016 925 0
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