How not to be afraid of birth

How not to be afraid of birth

Before the birth of a child, a very little time left and you no longer tesp Become a happy mom, but rest does not give Fear in front of childbirth. Anxiety, disturbing thoughts and fear of fear are the most common sensations among women. We we try help to you Overcome all these moments so that the baby see a calm and happy mom.

How not to be afraid of birth - Fear of unknown

Preparation for childbirth (properly organized) will help the woman psychologically tune in and learn how to behave competently during childbirth. With timely informing, fear of unknown, which always scares people.

Now there are many preparatory courses for future mothers. Among the wide variety it is necessary to choose courses where classes with a psychologist, pediatrician and an obstetrician-genikogom. Only from them you can learn in detail about all the nuances of childbirth. There are courses that are conducted only by psychologists. There is a negative attitude towards medical manipulations. Psychologists simply cannot explain their meaning. There are courses that spend only medical educated people. In turn, they do nothing for psychological training, and this is a very important point. These courses useful Not only information, but also the fact that you get rid of fear of unknown.

The courses must be attended by both lectures and practical classes, but which you will be taught to breathe correctly and relax.

How not to be afraid of childbirth - how to protect the child

If you look at newborn Already after 3 minutes after birth, it will not be possible to say that it has been stolen and miles to this for several hours. He shows interest, looks at mom and smiles. It is believed that the birthway and a close uterus squeeze the child. This negative impact in no way reflected on subsequent behavior Child. Children like when they are tightly wrapped in diapers and hug firmly. In any case, if at birth they are bad feltThis provoked them to resistance, and so - fall asleep and calm down. Remember About this when the thought comes that you are scary to give birth.

How not to be afraid of birth - it hurts and difficult, but everything will end

You can overcome childbirth just as your mom and grandmother did, like billions of women from around the world. Pains need to be afraid when she symbolizes about injury or illness. Painache pain is a physiological reaction and the price that you have to pay for the ability to continue the genus.

In animals, childbirth is quite simple, and in humans due to the transition to movement on 2 legs initially Strengthen kostommaking apparatus. This becomes an obstacle on the birth of the kid. You should not be afraid of pain, you must endure her, realizing that everything should be.

How not to be afraid of childbirth - support for loved ones

Pregnant A woman should not stay with her faithful fear alone. You must share fears with the most expensive and close people to you. Suppose you talk to my husband, because it should be nearby during childbirth. You must convey to it, aside It is important for you his concern and understanding. Statistics showed that men are more calm than women in childbirth. Women are much easier to transferring childbirth if close people are there. If, instead of her husband, this will be a mother in labor - the same wonderful option. If you consider it necessary, definitely decide all the questions in advance. You will be from this calmerAnd with doctors now the question of presence in childbirth is solved very simply.

How not to be afraid of childbirth - a positive attitude - the key to success

Always try to keep calm and be sure that everything will be fine. Do not allow inevitable Customs to become a panic. Think of pleasant and imagine:

  • how will your baby look like;
  • how you will keep it in your arms;
  • which will be your family when the child appears;
  • that childbirth has already passed and you coped;
  • how do you lie on the stomach and breathe calmly.

"Very afraid of birth" - the most common phrase, which women say in late pregnancy. With the help of one article, we will not be able to fully tell how to overcome this fear, but we hope that our advice will be useful for future mothers. Trust in nature, the process of childbirth is a common phenomenon. Easy to give birth to you! You will definitely cope!

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