How to calculate the date of birth over a month

How to calculate the date of birth over a month

The question of the date of birth often in pregnant women causes a lot of discussions and disputes. The difference between ultrasound examination, own calculations and those that record the doctor in the card are configured. An approximate date of birth of his baby can be calculated long before the visit to the gynecologist, the easiest way to do it in a month. We will tell you how to do it right.

How to find out the date of birth by month

Many women who became pregnant for the first time amazing the fact that in women's consultation, the doctor starts the first day of the last menstruation. It may seem very paradoxical, because in fact there was no child yet, and the pregnancy has already begun. This approach has long been generally accepted, actually calculate the exact date is almost impossible. The doctors introduced the term "obstetric pregnancy" at which the point of reference is taken to the beginning of the last menstruation before the conception of the future child.

It is possible to determine the DA by the formula of the neglect, named after the German obstetrician, who proposed this simple method for calculating.

Formula in two actions: from the date of the beginning of the last cycle, we take three months and add seven days.

Let's consider an example: the last menstruation was on May 15, now takes three months from this day - February 15 and add more seven days. As a result, the PDR falls on February 22.

How to find out the date of delivery using the on-line calculator in a month

Many future mothers who were not friendly at school with mathematics, all these formulas may seem not interesting and boring. But the curiosity takes its own, it's interesting because when all this happens. Fortunately, with the advent of free on-line calculators, it is not necessary to consider the formula, the main thing is to know the first number of the last menstruation. Such calculators are easy to use, all calculations are carried out automatically. In the appropriate window, enter or select the start date of menstruation, confirm your choice and the result is ready.

Neither the formula, nor on-line calculators, nor anyone else can give you an accurate answer, in all calculations one hundred percent hit is a rare phenomenon. But nevertheless, almost a third of newborns appear on the designated day and almost 50% with a difference of 2-3 days. And this suggests that a good approximate number of childbirth, you can be calmer and at least prepare a little for the upcoming event.

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