Why monthly brown

Why monthly brown

The occurrence of menstruation of brown can be associated with different reasons. It depends on the age of a woman, the image of her life and individual characteristics. In some cases, brown discharges do not bear any problems, but sometimes they sign about serious diseases.

Paul ripening. During the formation of the menstrual cycle, brown menstruation can occur in girls - this is a normal process. But if they continue constantly, it is necessary to make an appointment with the doctor. Also, such a character of menstruation may occur in adult women during the period of premopause, which symbolizes about the gradual decline in the work of the ovaries. The period can last from several months to ten years. Most often, Prhenopause occurs at the age of 50, but in some cases it can begin at 40 or even earlier.

Pregnancy. If a woman seeks to become pregnant and a delay of menstruation arises, and then brown monthly, after which normal menstruation occurs, this indicates the available hormonal disorders. If in addition to brown monthly, there is nothing, you should pass a pregnancy test - such sections may indicate the first signs of pregnancy. It is worth noting that one of the reasons is also an ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is very important not to delay and as soon as possible to undergo a survey.

Diseases. Brown monthly may occur due to the strong hypothermation of the body. In this case, it should be alerted - it may have occurred inflammation of the uterus, its appendages or necks. If unprotected sexual contacts happened and the brown monthly periods are accompanied by pain, itching and discomfort, most likely, there was a disease that was sexually transmitted, for example, gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.

Accepting contraceptives. During the receipt of incorrectly chosen contraceptive means, killing endometrial or worsening of the ovarian work can occur. If within three months after receiving contraceptives, brown menstruation is observed, the drug should be replaced.

Operations. After transferring operations in the uterus region, instead of normal menstruation, brown highlights may arise. This is a normal process. But if he lasts more than ten days and is accompanied by malaise, pain and unpleasant smell, you should immediately consult a doctor. Also, brown menstruation may occur after delivery - the cycle will be recovered gradually. If it is not normalized after two or three months, you need to consult a doctor.

Sharp weight differences. A sharp decrease in fat mass and large physical exertion on the body are also the cause of the disruption of the menstrual cycle. The same thing happens with a rapid weight set. Brown monthly may appear due to defective nutrition, lack of vitamins, metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases. It is very important to instill the right food habits and lose weight gradually.

Stresses. Regular stress, emotional loads and nervous diseases can also lead to a violation of the character nature. Try not to be nervous and learn to calm down in tense situations. It is worth noting that the hormonal background strongly affects a sharp change of climate. Also, the violation of the character of menstruation may arise due to the use of chemotherapy, irradiation and impact of harmful substances (for example, professional intoxication).

If you have brown monthly - do not panic. In some cases, they begin a few days before normal menstruation. But if they arise regularly, and also accompanied by strong discomfort, pain and other suspicious symptoms, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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Galya 07/13/2018 at 7:29

My monthly brown was just before the onset of menopause ... So the cycle was gradually leaving, it was reduced by its duration. When there were no monthly period, and at the same time arrived, nerves, and insomnia ... now, of course, it's time, nothing This does not bother-cuts the ice formula of menopause and regular yoga classes. My chopstick, very advise those who can not get rid of symptoms))

Nastya 12 29/10/2021 at 9:35

I had such an end. And when the climax began, so at all on a regular basis. Therefore, I do not see anything terrible in this, to say so. The most interesting thing begins with rings, irritability .... What is really hard to live with them. The benefit of although phytoestrogens help. I always take Evalarovsky, after all, Germany, together with Russia, produces. Therefore, well-being good and no longer complain.


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