Opportunity to find out the sex is a relatively new unborn child. But, as practice shows, in some cases, the methods provide misleading information. To find the most likely outcome is preferable to use as much as possible from them. We will tell you about the most popular ways to get you quickly opened the mystery of sex of your future baby.
There are medical and traditional methods, which can determine the sex of the child of the future. Medical are more reliable, but often do not fail and the people. The former include ultrasound study, invasive methods, special tests. To the second - the definition of pregnancy belly shape, health, eating habits, with the help of thread with the load, as well as fresh milk.
The most popular way to determine the sex of the baby is ultrasound study. But it is effective during the second trimester, when the fetus becomes large enough. Before 15 weeks of pregnancy to diagnose simply makes no sense, because there is a high probability of error.
To determine the sex of the baby using invasive methods. But note that they are dangerous enough. They are used in extreme cases when there is a likelihood of having a baby with genetic disorders. Chorionic villus sampling is performed at 10-13 weeks of gestation and is piercing the patient's abdomen with a thin needle. Thus, the doctor extracts the chorionic villi, which are necessary to clarify the chromosomes of the fetus. At later stages (not earlier than 16 weeks) and in adulthood fetal performed similar procedure called amniocentesis. The advantage of chorionic villus sampling is that it is carried out at an earlier stage, therefore, can be used to find out the result and take action. But amniocentesis is safer and more reliable manner.
You can purchase a child's definition test. It is held after 8 weeks of conception and works on the same principle as the test for the definition of pregnancy. The accuracy of the results is 90%. The cost is quite high, so it is recommended to purchase products from official distributors in order not to overpay by intermediaries.
The most common popular way of detecting the floor of the Baby is the form of the abdomen. If her mother has a pointed - there will be a boy. The rounded form indicates the appearance of the girl. It is the opinion that, while in the womb, the boys seek to get along the bladder of the mother, and the girls are on the liver. Thus, on the movements of the baby, you can make an assumption about its field.
If the woman began to grow hard on their legs, hands and appeared on the bottom of the abdomen - there is a high probability of birth of a boy. Experts argue that while wearing a boy, a woman is pretty in his eyes. If skin pigmentation appears on face or abdomen - the girl is likely to be born. This is due to the fact that the girl takes part of female hormones in the mother, as a result of which the metabolism is broken and the appearance is worse.
A strong toxicosis may indicate the appearance of the boy. If the future mother prefers to consume acidic, salty and meat dishes - the high probability of birth of the son. If she is wearing a girl under his heart, she pulls her more on fruit and all sorts of sweetness. It is worth noting that the moms of future boys are endowed with an increased appetite.
Take a needle with a thread and hold it over the palm. The needle must be at the navel level. If she moves in a circle - a girl will appear on the world, if across the boy. Instead of needles, you can use any other cargo.
For this method of determining pregnancy, a period must be at least 10 weeks. Take fresh pasteurized milk and urine. Mix it with milk in the same ratio. Then put the resulting composition on the fire and bring it to a boil. If you see that the milk rolled - wait for the girl if on the contrary - the boy. This method works on the principle of determining the chemical composition of urine due to hormonal restructuring.
Now you know exactly how you can define the floor has not yet born baby. All methods provide 90-99% accurate results, but unfortunately none of them will give you 100% guarantees of reliability. The exception is only ultrasound diagnosis in late pregnancy.
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