How to get pregnant double

How to get pregnant double

At the birth of twins, the family receives not only double troubles, but also two times more happiness. Some women just dream of twin girls who will be an accurate copy of the mother. Someone wants to "shoot" and give birth to two children in order to no longer return to the issue of re-pregnancy.

If you dream about twins, then there are a lot of ways to increase the likelihood of their conception. But no doctor can guarantee the birth of twins. Of course, if you suffer infertility or there are some problems with natural conception, then with the help of Eco, it is easy to become a mother of two or three children. During this procedure for 2 months, a woman passes special training. It takes hormonal drugs that stimulate the growth of several dominant follicles at once. That is, not one egg cell is formed, but several.

How to get pregnant double

The specialist of the clinic extracts eggs from the ovary and fertilizes them in the test tube of the biomaterial of a donor or husband. After fertilization, several embryos are placed in the uterus. Usually 3 embryos are enough. After all, there is a possibility that one or two zygotes are not attached to the walls of the uterus. But with proper preparation, pregnancy comes in two or three fruits.

How to get pregnant double

What if no health problems? In this case, there is no need to resort to professional help. Pregnant with twins, and can be on their own. Significantly increases the likelihood of twins hormonal contraceptives. Within 6-12 months woman takes the coca plant. After the abolition of contraceptives body tries to rehabilitate himself and make up for lost time. In the first 2-3 cycles after drug withdrawal possible growth of multiple eggs. Accordingly woman to become pregnant once 2 or 3 children. To provoke their growth, you need to take estrogen and follicle stimulating hormone. Yourself should not use these medications because of increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. It is impossible to resort to medical methods, if you have hormone-dependent tumors. Receiving hormones trigger the growth of tumors.

How to get pregnant double

It is believed that the likelihood of multiple births as high as possible in women older than 35 years. This is due to hormonal levels. The body is trying to accelerate the onset of pregnancy, therefore, some of the dominant follicle matures in one cycle.

How to get pregnant double

With the help of a special diet, you can get pregnant with twins. To do this, eat foods rich in protein. You should not eat very fatty and high-calorie foods. Exclude from the diet of sausages and smoked products. Replace them boiled, baked poultry or lean pork. Eat more dairy products. Increase the chance of getting pregnant with twins seafood. These compositions contain saturated fatty acids which are the building blocks for body cells. Eat yamsu - sweet potatoes. It contains many substances that are similar to estrogen.

How to get pregnant double

Scientists have noted an increase in cases of twins in women with a short menstrual cycle. In women, breast-feeding increases the risk of twins conceived. During lactation, the body is released much prolactin, which can trigger a jump in estrogen levels. It is the hormone responsible for the growth of the dominant follicle.

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