Is it possible to get pregnant in the thrush

Is it possible to get pregnant in the thrush

Thrush - these are bacteria that are present in the body of each person. Candida fungus with a reduced level of fermented milk bacteria becomes more vulnerable and gradually transformed into a full-fledged dairy disease. Nine women out of ten once in life feel the manifestations of thrush and conduct preventive treatment. But how to be if you plan child?

Despite numerous inconveniences, the disease does not affect the natural processes associated with pregnancy. It is worth noting that the feature that many individuals are excellent statues, first face the thrush in the period of pregnancy. At such moments, the thrush is more difficult to treat, and constant symptomatic manifestations interfere with women fully enjoy an important period of life.

At conception The hormonal background of the female body changes somewhat, like the microflora of the vagina. The thrush is striking primarily the mucous membrane, which negatively affects sex. Due to dryness, constant burning, the woman is experiencing pain during sexual intercourse, which causes hostility to such a contact.

Considering the above manifestations, it is believed that the thrush prevents conception and subsequent pregnancy, but pregnancy with the thrush is quite possible, but provides more troubles. Usually pregnant women, provided they are healthy, vice versa Feel an incredible attraction to their partner And the unbridled desire gives pleasure a pair.

Candidiasis does not have any intimate proximity. The course of the disease is caused by the poorly release of lubricant in the vagina, which causes dryness, and however, The inability to continue a pleasant occupation. Considering the fact that the thrush is excited in a hormonal fault of the body, then a disruption of the menstrual cycle is immediately observed.

If You constantly pursue the thrush and it will not get pregnant, then you should not bind these factors. The functional features of the feminine urogenital system are based on the indices of the acid-alkaline balance of the vagina. Microflora Vagina Healthy Woman at 90 % comprises lactic acids Bacteria that regulate the sufficient level of a favorable environment for conception and tooling the fetus.

A healthy microflora of the mucous membrane independently opposes adverse sticks and reproduction of viral organisms. If there is a failure in such a medium, the pathogenic "era" begins. Violation of the normal balance and reduction in acidity provide favorable conditions for the development of all types of infectious diseases, and the alkaline environment does not contribute to the habitat and development of spermatozoa. Woman with thrush get pregnant difficult, but maybeHowever, the lack of effective therapy may affect the health of the kid.

The thrush is better not to launch and plan a pregnancy after prevention. In the process of pregnancy, the virus delivers significant discomfort and more difficult give in place treatment. If you run the process, you can join more serious Diseases whose treatment does not always go out without a trace. Do not forget about nutrition and regularly eat fermented dairy products.

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