Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy

Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy

A woman in a position cannot not worry the ticking theme of proximity, in principle. Moreover, the majority believes that the proper development of the fetus and the marital debt is incompatible things. Let's try to figure out.

Suppose she is not yet aware that a small miracle settled in her female body, which will soon be felt. The woman continues to calmly give his beloved night hugs, and until the first signs of pregnancy are manifested, in particular - discomfort in the breast and in the stomach, then sexual attitude is completely not contraindicated.

And now they are two cherished stripes of the dough! In the matter of days, the internal state of the future mommy begins to change. Gentle male kisses before bedtime begin to alarming and annoying, however, not always. If pregnancy does not affect physical health, then a woman can safely continue intimate life without fears.

If a pregnant woman has a strong sense of nausea, growing every day more and more, and with her husband I want to deal directly with a rolling pin, then it is better to give up from the marital debt. Let the body adapt to a new hormonal background.

With a rolling

If suddenly in the early periods of pregnancy, and especially on the days of the estimated menstruation, the unaware of the ailment was joined by bleeding from the genital organs - no sex and jogging to the gynecologist. Tonus of the uterus and the threat of interrupting pregnancy, which can only be confirmed by the doctor, are a tough taboo on sex.

Eliminate sexual relationships during pregnancy will also have to women who have spontaneous abortions have been observed in history, serious inflammatory processes have been identified, the pathology of the cervix or low location of the placenta.

Multiple pregnancy In some cases, it may be the reason for which the doctor will advise to limit sexual relationships or to reduce them on no - everything is solved strictly individually.

The late term of pregnancy at 100% of the state of health is not a diagnosis against sex, but here you have to show care of caution in all respects, and especially in terms of cleanliness.

To completely prohibit close married relationships during pregnancy, even a doctor, because the proximity of the proximity is to disperse - it should be understood as a future mother and her companion of life, which in this delicate question is simply obliged to take the situation in his hands.

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