Is it possible to have sex in the monthly

Is it possible to have sex in the monthly

The question of whether it is possible to have sex in menstruation, it is already disturbing no one generation of men and women. And if earlier it was unambiguously disapproving, today the perspective of the consideration of this intimate question is much wider. Consider how doctors react to sexual relations during menstruation period, and how safe is safe.

The ban on sex during menstruation in modern doctors is not practiced. However, it is necessary to know that the cervical is a one-stop gate for infection, and the menstrual blood itself is an excellent medium for microbes. Thus, during this pleasant process, infection from the vagina can directly fall into the uteros. Therefore, there are several basic recommendations how to make sex into monthly as safe as possible.

Hygienic moments: In mandatory, you need to wash to proximity and after, and both partners. In order not to leave the bloody "traces" to bed, you need to raise the towel and put in the area of \u200b\u200breaching wet wipes or, which is much more convenient, indulge in love in the bathroom (in a shower chair or bath).

Protective elements: The best method of insurance against unwanted infection for both partners is a condom. At the same time, he also will also be a guarantee that the outbreak of passion will not end in fertilization and pregnancy. The latter, by the way, contrary to the established stereotypes, with unprotected classes with love is quite possible, since spermatozoa remains capable of up to 5-7 days. So, they can "reach" to ovulation. This is especially true for couples who have any infections in the zone of close contact, as well as for new partners.

Physiological features: in view of the fact that the most intensive separation of blood takes place in the first 2-3 days of menstruation, during this period it is better to refrain from intimate relations. Especially those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who has sexually distinguished by abundance, since sexual contacts may further enhance the selection. In other cases, many women, on the contrary, mark the positive effect of sex during menstruation: it reduces the duration of menstruation, reduces pain, relieves irritability and even brings particularly pleasant sensations. Nevertheless, the poses involving deep penetration, in this period it is better to avoid. The most optimal pose is a classic "man from above".

But the main thing is to attitude to such an intimate process of its participants. If partners do not interfere with prejudice or a feeling of squeamishness, intimate relationships during menstruation can deliver many pleasant moments.

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