Why hurts during sex

Why hurts during sex

The appearance of pain during intercourse is an unnatural phenomenon and may indicate the disease. During the loss of virginity and a few months after this, the painful sensations are considered the norm. When to beat the alarm and contact the doctor?

Pain during sex occurs due to excessive dryness of the vagina. Most likely, your partner pays too little time to pre-caress, and you do not have time enough. Ask a man to extend the "Preparatory Stage" or use lubricant. Very often dry in the field of small sexual lips is associated with the use of a condom, so get a special water-based gel for moisturizing.

Why hurts during sex

Do you feel burning in the vagina? You may have fungal infection or vaginitis. In many women, during the inspection of the gynecologist and taking smears, Candida mushrooms or E.colli intestinal wand are detected. The presence of these microorganisms in the vaginal flora does not speak of some venereal disease. These bacteria and mushrooms are always in women's discharge, but during inflammation their number increases, and itching occurs. By the way, some men can not feel at all that they are carriers of these microorganisms. During the course of the woman's treatment, her partner must take medicine, even if he does not have the corresponding symptoms.

Why hurts during sex

Sometimes a strong itch is accompanied by grayish or yellow secretions. Perhaps you have become infected with a venereal disease. It is with gonorly, chlamydia and trichomantosis that have painted discharges with an unpleasant odor. Inside the vagina and in the field of the germ lip can be felt. Sometimes infection is accompanied by high temperature and general ailment.

Pain during sex can arise due to the fact that the partner does not suit you. Perhaps the size of the genital man is great for you. Sometimes the gynecologist records microcracks and small gaps in the vagina due to the incompatibility of partners.

Why hurts during sex

Do you feel a stupid pain at the bottom of the belly, which does not pass after sexual intercourse? Permanenting pains indicate the presence of inflammation in the uterus or endometriosis. It is not necessary to independently install diagnoses, consult a doctor with frequent pains during sex. Endometriosis is accompanied by long and abundant monthly, the duration of which can sometimes reach 14 days.

Why hurts during sex

When acute pain occurs during each friction, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. This may be due to pregnancy or in the presence of neoplasm uteria (fibroma, mioma). During sex, there may be acute pain in the right or left side. This may indicate the presence of ovarian cysts.

Why hurts during sex

Pain during sex often occurs after delivery. With the birth of a child, a woman can change the shape of the vagina. If in the process of the rewarding, you were made by episotomy (dissection of the crotch), then the sexual act should be postponed by 1.5-2 months from the date of removal of the seams. With the birth of a child, many women celebrate dryness in the vagina, so for some time you will have to use lubricants.

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