Why dries in the mouth

Why dries in the mouth

Dry mouth, at first glance, the usual unpleasant feeling in the oral cavity. However, it can serve as a symptom of serious diseases. Let's find out why dries in the mouth.

If you feel dry mouth mostly in the morning, then most likely there are no serious reasons for excitement. The reason for intoxicating the body, for example, after taking alcohol during the day earlier. This manifestation entails and the reception of narcotic substances. Insufficient moistening of the oral cavity is observed in people suffering from snoring. During a runny nose, if breathing occurs through the mouth, also there is dry mouth.

The feeling of dryness in the oral cavity in the daytime is a more serious signal and reason to visit the doctor, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms:

  1. The dryness of the oral cavity and the simultaneous frequent urination, the constant feeling of fatigue, insomnia signals the likelihood of having diabetes. To confirm the diagnosis, hand over blood test to determine the amount of glucose and consult an endocrineologist.
  2. Dry mouth, redness of the eyelid, burning in the eyes serve as signs of syndrome or SEGREEN sickness. The latter is an independent disease. However, the syndrome flows in parallel with the systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases. Relmatologist correctly will be diagnosed.
  3. Dry mouth can talk about the inflammation of the salivary glands. Additionally, the painful sensations in the field of salivary gland are felt, its increase.

A similar symptom may be accompanied by irradiation treatment in the head and neck zone. The violation of the secretion of saliva is possible caused by damage to the nerves in the same region as a result of injuries or surgical intervention.

The deterioration of the sensitivity of the language is often accompanied by thirst and dryness. Such a phenomenon in the burn of the mucosa of the mouth with chemicals or hot foods.

In some viral, bacterial diseases, the water balance is broken and the secretion of saliva decreases. Hypertension, stroke, anemia, Alzheimer's disease, immune and endocrine diseases may also have such a symptom.

The dryness in the mouth is observed with the dehydration of the body: high temperature, increase in sweating, diarrhea, vomiting, internal, external bleeding. During the day, eat liquid in the amount of 30 grams per 1 kg of their weight to avoid dehydration.

Reception of some drugs may entail the appearance of dry mouth. Contact your doctor to adjust your recipe.

Smokers feel the same effect, as nicotine suppresses saliva secretion.

With excessive use of salty foods suffer from dry mouth. During the day, do not put salt into food more than 7 grams.

After enhanced sports training, when you lose a large amount of liquid, dries in your mouth and on the lips.

In addition, after a strong stress, dry in the oral cavity occurs. Characteristic of people suffering from the excessive excitability of the nervous system. Usually passes after eliminating stress symptoms.

If the dryness feeling does not leave you for a long time, visit the doctor and pass the tests. The earlier you find the cause, the more effective and easily will be treated.

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