  • Health
    Arthrosis is a condition in which the joints become painful and tug-making. This is the most common type of arthritis.
    28.05.2019 13956 5
  • Health
    Cholesterol takes part in the work of the brain, because it satages it with antioxidants. The zero-like substance is mainly formed in the liver.
    14.05.2019 371 1
  • Diseases
    Microorganisms falling on the face and in the corners of the mouth can provoke snakes. In the spring, immunity falls and more often can be encountered with such a problem.
    12.04.2019 281 2
  • Diseases
    Phoz can be divided into 2 types: congenital and acquired. This disease is a narrowing of the extreme flesh that does not give the penis head to nude.
    08.04.2019 273 0
  • Health
    Doctors recommend using pumpkin seeds for prevention from worms, but the folk healers assure that such a product will help to quickly and effectively get rid of parasites.
    08.02.2019 329 0
  • Health
    After resting in nature, you discovered red-free and unbearably bite on the skin. Do not comb this place.
    08.02.2019 307 2
  • Diseases
    With the problems of legs, namely with the veins on them, many people face. In his youth for this, usually do not pay attention.
    03.02.2019 383 1
  • Health
    Toothpache is considered one of the strongest and unpleasant, along with the ear. When the tooth begins to hurt, it seems that the pain penetrates the whole head and even a brain.
    11.11.2018 293 2
  • Health
    Almost all people know that such an ear pain. It is very difficult tolerated, because the analgesics act weakly.
    14.09.2018 323 0
  • Health
    Dentists are a terrible word for many, but, in fact, it is not necessary to be afraid of them, but problems with teeth. Dentists need to love, because they help get rid of these problems.
    14.09.2018 346 3
  • Health
    It doesn't matter if you go to the pool or if you just swim on the beach, in many cases a little water can enter your ear and cause discomfort that you are very worried.
    10.09.2018 358 0
  • Health
    The bite of the snake is not only frightened and causes unbearable pain, but it can cost a life of an unlucky pedestrian.
    30.08.2018 398 0
  • Diseases
    Pulse and pressure, like two comrades, go hand in hand. Typically, the heartbeat indicator is rapidly increased by increasing blood pressure.
    26.08.2018 472 1
  • Stomach, intestine
    Probably, each at least once in his life came across a belch, having a taste of rotten eggs. What is trying to tell the body with such "exhaust" of hydrogen sulfide?
    26.08.2018 504 0
  • Health
    Milk loss is always a heavy test for the baby and his mother. In addition to the struggle for each gram of bridges in a child, endless attempts begin to make the body work as it should.
    26.08.2018 332 0
  • Diseases
    Sometimes attempts to do, something independently ends with unpleasant consequences. What if it came to a rusty nail myself or someone from the loved ones?
    22.08.2018 418 0
  • Health
    The ear sulfur is a natural substance that is highlighted by special secrets located inside the ears of the shells.
    22.08.2018 378 0
  • Eyes
    Ophthalmia (Photophthalmia, electric ophthalmia, electrophthalmia) - the so-called eye damage, obtained when working with welding without protective glasses.
    20.08.2018 395 0
  • Health
    In the summer, overheating and solar strikes are frequent guests in a variety of homes. Children and adults suffer from them, sometimes even having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat happens to them.
    20.08.2018 321 0
  • Health
    The neck can pinched at the most inopportune moment. It is impossible to predict this process. Discomfort, pain and absolute helplessness feels a person who has frowning.
    20.08.2018 327 0
  • Health
    The sun rays give not only pleasant warmth and a lot of light, but also the opportunity to get a beautiful tan.
    20.08.2018 345 1
  • Health
    Even the legs and ankles spoil your life? The foot swelling is very common among the female half of the population.
    19.08.2018 450 0
  • Diseases
    Unstable blood pressure and pulse are interconnected with each other. If the pressure rises, the number of heart impacts is growing.
    19.08.2018 322 0
  • Diseases
    Chree is a boil, inflammation on the skin, accompanied by the suppuration. First, the hair bag is inflamed and the surrounding cloths are gradually involved.
    29.07.2018 399 1
  • Health
    Burns of varying degrees can bring serious pain and even become a threat to life. Easy pain, and accelerate healing will help special ointments.
    27.07.2018 393 3
  • Health
    The drug citrate refers to the group of analgesics with a wide range of action. It is taken as antipyretic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent.
    22.07.2018 286 0
  • Health
    Thermal burns are among their most dangerous damage to the skin, which are accompanied by a strong painful syndrome.
    04.07.2018 380 0
  • Pregnancy
    How to take duphaston depends directly from the diagnosis, which is supplied to the woman, and what exactly needs to be adjusted to the drug.
    26.06.2018 681 0
  • Diseases
    Pain in the bladder, painful and frequent urination - these signs are most likely to say that a person fell ill and his illness is called cystitis.
    25.06.2018 367 0
  • Health
    Hemorrhoids do not speak loud. Many are shy to admit that they are sick, so they are not in a hurry to go to the doctor, and they are looking for answers from them to get rid of the Internet.
    24.06.2018 303 1
  • Stomach, intestine
    The worms are very dangerous parasites that can harm health. Most often, they appear in children, in people who hold pets or eat products without heat treatment.
    24.06.2018 308 0
  • Treatment
    Many know about the healing properties of the submorm. Folk healers consider this product with almost panacea from all diseases.
    17.06.2018 300 0
  • Diseases
    Almost every child makes sounds at night with teeth. These uncontrolled chewing movements are observed in the teething of indigenous teeth.
    23.05.2018 461 1
  • Diseases
    Many of us on the body there are red dots, externally similar to moles. They can be different in shape, size and, as a rule, do not bother.
    23.05.2018 344 0
  • Health
    The temperature is not an enemy of human health, if it is increased in reasonable limits. This is an indicator that the body is trying to overcome the infection on its own.
    07.05.2018 402 0
  • Health
    In rainy autumn weather and cold winter help to recover from cough old grandmother's recipes. Radish with honey will help well, it will become an excellent substitute for expectorant drugs.
    29.04.2018 439 1
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