High pulse at normal pressure - what to do?

High pulse at normal pressure - what to do?

Unstable blood pressure and pulse are interconnected with each other. If the pressure rises, the number of heart impacts is growing. But it happens that the first indicator is normal, and the pulse is high. This is a sign that it's time to think about your well-being. Timely adoption will help avoid serious health problems.

How to measure the pulse?

The tonometer will most reliably measure the pulse. It is used not only for measuring blood pressure, but also for this purpose. It is enough to conduct uncomplicated manipulations, and the numeric indicator will appear on the scoreboard.

To determine the more accurate indicator, you need to measure the heartbeat several times. The gap between measurements should be at least 30 to 40 minutes.

If there is no tometer in the house, then a simple, but accessible method is suitable. It is necessary to fold the index and middle finger to the wrist and grip the pulse. Most makes a mistake by measuring it on the neck. All because pressed on large artery, you can affect them. As a result, the data will not be true.

Normal pulse - from 60 to 90 shots per minute. The gap from 90 to 100 is considered permissible, but risky. And already 100 and above shock says that there is a serious health problem.

If the resulting indicator is not the result of a stressful situation, and the heartbeat did not become normal in a few minutes, it is advisable to contact a specialist. They may become a cardiologist or therapist. But what if it is not possible to quickly go to the hospital or call an ambulance? In such a situation, you can try to influence the situation on your own. To do this, first need to try to identify the cause of what happened.

Cause of rapid heartbeat?

All the reasons that affect the rate of heart beat, can be divided into external and internal. The first are due to how - or external factors:

  • prolonged stress;
  • short strong emotions (both positive and negative);
  • exercise stress.

Internal reasons - it is a problem with the internal organs, physical and psychological health of the person. These include heart problems, low back pain, thyroid disease, and more.

Sport - a hindrance to health?

Serious athletic man checks the load for strength. In addition to other factors, greatly increased and pulse. But it should come back to normal after 2 - 3 minutes, provided that the sit-ups or pull-ups. If the load is strong, the heart has to bounce back after 10 minutes.

A man with a high pulse should be cautious in sports. You can affect the heart:

  • get out into the fresh air;
  • comfortably sit and relax;
  • drink cool water.

If this does not help, you should consult a doctor. The athlete, who is aware of his increased heart rate, can follow it up with a special fitness - bracelet.

Stress and emotional distress

Strong experienced stress and emotional distress are immediately displayed on the state of the pulse. He increased particularly sharply, which is displayed on the health adversely.

At constant stress pulse may exceed more than 100 beats per minute. This tachycardia life-threatening. Therefore steps should be taken:

  • dissociate itself from stress;
  • drink a course of sedatives.

Constant stress turn into neurosis, which are characterized not only an increased heartbeat, but also apathy, insomnia and irritability.

Prolonged sleep will also help to gather strength and to stabilize the emotional state.

Thyroid problems

With an increase in thyroid increases and pulse. The pressure remains normal.

In addition, the person feels in the mood for failures, increased sweating, constipation occurs or, conversely, diarrhea.

In this case, help is only consultation of the endocrinologist. He will appoint tests, and after - a course of drugs. Only after this pulse returns to normal.

The lack of iron in the body

Low hemoglobin - a common cause of a high pulse. Heart nothing to do but to work more often to provide the body with oxygen.

Normalize the heartbeat then you can:

  • have more pork and beef liver;
  • include buckwheat, nuts, legumes and dried fruits;
  • eating green apples and spinach.

Osteochondrosis - Attention on the neck and chest

If pains in the neck or chest were seen, headache, dizziness and at the same time the head of the heart is strongly enhanced, the reason is most likely osteochondrosis.

The characteristic feature of the disease at the same time - the pulse is not always increased, but only in an uncomfortable posture or, when a person sits for a long time in one place, turns sharply.

Only a specialist will help here, who will appoint medication and gymnastics.

Heart problems and vessels

Usually cardiovascular diseases imply not only the rapid pulse, but also problems with pressure. But due to the fact that the body is individual, it may be that the heartbeat is rising.

How to normalize the pulse?

When the pulse sharply increased and the situation threatens health, it is necessary to act quickly. In such an emergency, such advice will be useful:

  • neck massage near the cervical artery;
  • it is necessary to press a little on the eyeballs. The procedure should take about 30 seconds;
  • to lie on a flat surface, remove all the clothes that presses, put a wet towel on the forehead and delay the breath several times.

If there is a medicine at hand, then you can drink validol, mother-in-law or Corvalol. This will calm and normalizes the pulse.

High pulse - body signal about the result. It is impossible to ignore this phenomenon. It is possible to temper the heartbeat on your own, but in the future it is necessary to contact the doctor to identify the cause.





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