How to measure pressure tonometer

How to measure pressure tonometer

Level of arterial pressure (blood pressure) is one of the most important indicators of the human body. Changes in the level of pressure to feel at first it is difficult, often a person feels deviations already with serious aggravation of the disease. Therefore, it is so important to measure pressure, making it right.

To obtain faithful numbers, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Before the start of the Rest Procedure - somewhere five minutes. If before that you had a serious psychological or physical activity, it will be necessary a little longer - 15-30 minutes.
  2. At least half an hour can not smoke, drink tonic drinks or alcohol.
  3. Also be sure to visit the restroom.
  4. The limbs should not be shifted. It is necessary to weaken the strap on the clock, as well as remove narrow shoes or clothing. Feet and hands are not recommended to cross.
  5. The most suitable posture for measuring blood pressure is the classical schoolboy's right posture. If necessary, pressure can also be checked and sitting. In all cases, the hand to which the cuffs is worn should be relaxed and located at the heart level. Well, for those who managed to forget anatomy, we recall that it is approximately the level between the third and the fifth edge.

Most of the models of tonometers involves the placement of the cuff on the forearm. With proper fixing, the lower edge is 2-2.5 cm above from the elbow hole, and a finger can be shuffled between the cuff and hand. If you have an automatic tonometer, it is enough just to click on the button - and you will get the result. When using a semi-automatic apparatus, the pressure will have to be injected independently.

The most difficult version is the use of a mechanical tonometer. Attach the stethoscope to the elbow jam, a little closer to the inside of the hand. Then you need to quickly push the air into the cuff to the pressure level, which corresponds to the size of your conventional systolic pressure plus 30-35 mm Hg. st. Start slowly lowering the air, in a second about 3 mm RT. Art., At the same time, listen carefully to the stethoscope. When you hear the first blow, notice the testimony on the dial is systolic pressure. Continue to lower the air. The level of diastolic pressure corresponds to the last blow. Next, lower the air for another 15-25 mm Hg. Art. To make sure that it was the last blow, and let all the remaining air sharply release.

There are still cranky automatic tonometers. Such a device is fixed so that the bracelet is completely woven the wrist, and the distance from the bottom edge to the bottom of the palm was about 1 cm. The tonometer itself should be accurate at the heart level, otherwise the indicators will be incorrect.

Several general recommendations:

  • Initially, the pressure is checked on both hands. When the difference between the results of two measurements, more than 10 mm Hg. st. In the future, they use the hand where the numbers were larger. In other cases, subsequent measurements are carried out on the left hand.
  • Part of the cuff, which is swelling, should bite at least 80% of the hand.
  • If you need to constantly control the level of blood pressure, you need to spend every day at the same time, preferably in the morning.
  • To obtain more accurate numbers, you must make two measurements with a break of 3-5 minutes. If the difference in the obtained indicators of more than 5 mm RT. Art., Another dimension is made. As the final result take the average value between the last two dimensions.

Pressure measurement is not a very difficult matter, but can significantly help in keeping health.

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