How to prevent stroke

How to prevent stroke

By the number of deaths, stroke ranks second among the diseases. A quarter of patients dies after a stroke in a month, the third part is during the year. Statistics of this dangerous illness terrify. How to prevent stroke? What is in our hands?

A stroke is called a violation of cerebral circulation, which leads to the disorder of some functions of the brain. The stroke is hemorrhagic (the blood vessel is burst into the brain) and ischemic (thrombus and motion of cerebral cells). In violation of the right hemisphere of the brain, the work of the left legs, hands and vice versa are disturbed. The causes of the stroke are several. Those on which we cannot affect is the pathology of the vessels, stress. Amenable to adjustment - food, lifestyle.

You can prevent stroke until the day of his offensive. Even on the day of the stroke, people nearby people can understand that a person begins at the following signs:

  • Ask to raise both hands, only one will rise.
  • Also ask to smile - with stroke, the smile will be overwhelmed.
  • Let his name say. In case of illness, speech is not interested.

If you have at least one sign, you urgently carry the patient to the hospital. Doctors have only 4-6 hours to save human life. Instead of losing precious time, spend simple diagnostics and act immediately.

Permanent physical load. In order to keep the cardiovascular system in a tone, regular physical exertion, outdoor walks. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is known that smoking traumats the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which microcracks are formed in them, which can lead to a stroke. In case of sports, the heart is trained in a natural way, the vessels become more elastic and durable.

Control blood pressure. It must be monitored, since the vessels can burst as a result of high pressure. During the day at least half an hour, go in an average pace.


In the presence of diseases such as atrial fibrillation and hypertension, without medicinal therapy can not do. Modern drugs will help take the situation under control.

Reduced stress. The correct day of the day, sufficient sleep and rest help to restore lost forces.

Nutrition. The level of cholesterol depends on the supply, the increased value of which causes ischemic stroke. In order to prevent stroke, it is appropriate to take such products as:

  • Prunes, raisins;
  • Beans;
  • Whole grain products;
  • Antioxidant fruits and vegetables;
  • Oats;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Sea cabbage;
  • Almond.

Reduce the use of fatty dairy products: sour cream, oil, cream, fatty cottage cheese. Also slightly reduce the use of animal meat, salt. Sausage, fat, pork and beef accompany the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.

To avoid cardiovascular catastrophe, regularly attend the profile doctor. It will track the risk factors and keep the disease under control, adjusting the medical course. Do not treat your health negligence, do not make independent amendments to the course of treatment. Observe the dosage of drugs appointed by the doctor.

So, the best prevention of a stroke is a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, pressure control and reception of prescribed drugs, no stress and smoking. After all, it is better to prevent a cardiovascular catastrophe than to undergo a huge threat to life.

Comments leave a comment
Victoria 06/18/2017 at 9:39.

How to prevent? Yes, you just need to eat correctly, the physical activity is daily, no alcohol and nicotine. This is the basis! If there are deviation analyzes, add preparations.

Zhanna 06/23/2017 at 1:40.

Yes, I just have the tests of bad well-being unimportant. But it already foresaw, because at work disappeared from morning to evening and nerves, nerves, nerves .... What body will stand it? So my already began to give me to understand that it was time to stop. Now I am watching my meal, started walking in the park at least an hour and a half in the park, I take vaskal, which improves the work of the brain, normalizes the nervous state. At work, too, now I am not delayed, what is very happy! A completely different life, though!

Angela 06/11/2018 at 18:21

For me, the prevention of a stroke is a very sharp question ... there is a genetic predisposition, so I am very worried ... periodically we carry the gincoome so that blood clots are not + try to move more. Pah pah, until the vessels in excellent condition, I hope so it will be further

Alla 03/15/2019 at 16:11

Yes, it's all true that we carry out the prevention of a stroke, since there is such a predisposition, then these are mandatory measures. I used to have a suspicious symptoms before, I turned to the doctor, he recommended a thrombo ass after passing analyzes, it turns out that my blood is thick and it is necessary to disperse. Now I feel great!


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