How to treat elevated cholesterol

How to treat elevated cholesterol

Increased cholesterol in the blood is very dangerous, as the excess it becomes plaques, which settled on the walls of the vessels, are an obstacle for the normal blood current carrying oxygen and the useful substances throughout the body. All this entails the development of dangerous vascular and heart disease (stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, myocardial infarction).

To keep your vessels clean, from elevated cholesterol in the blood you need to get rid of, and it is necessary to do it correctly. A strong decrease in this element can adversely affect the whole body, violated: hormonal background, brain work, nerve cells and immune system.

Regularly perform blood tests on cholesterol indicators if your age exceeded the frontier 40 years. The composition of the blood involves the presence of several types of cholesterol, in our body they must be balanced. If in the blood lipidogram, the indicators of total cholesterol significantly exceed the norm (3.5 - 5.5 mmol / l), the doctor will appoint you the appropriate treatment, in which it will be necessary to take the preparations - statins, vitamins of group A, E and calcium preparations.

Treatment of elevated cholesterol should be balanced and complex, therefore, it is not necessary to be limited to using medication. Add diet to medicinal therapy. Increase the use of products rich in vegetable fiber and useful polynatsented fats - vegetables, berries, greens, nuts, fruits and fresh juices. Especially useful in this case apples, prunes, all types of legumes and greens. These products significantly reduce cholesterol and prevent its accumulation.

Refuse the oxygenous food of increased fatty, prefer degreased products. The use of butter and fatty varieties of cheese with elevated cholesterol is unacceptable.

Do not eat sausage, smoked, pork, beef. In the diet should be there a low-fat variety of meat (chicken, rabbit, young lamb, veal, turkey), no more than 2 times a week. Replace meat products are better than sea fish, rich in useful and indispensable components (iodine, preventing the formation of plaques and omega-3-fatty acids dissolving harmful cholesterol).

A fish

Reduce the use of chicken eggs (especially yolk) to 2 pieces per week. Replace them better quail, which can be daily. This product is saturated with a huge number of trace elements, absolutely does not contain cholesterol and has a very positive effect on the entire body.

Onions and garlic have proven themselves as a means that can significantly reduce high cholesterol performance. Using fresh garlic or in the form of tincture, in a few weeks, cholesterol will decrease by 10-15%. Prepare the tincture, the bay of 350 g of chopped garlic 200 g of alcohol. After 10 days, take 20 drops of obtained suspensions divorced in milk, 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

Do not forget about exercise and full-fledged rest (your sleep should be at least 8 hours a day). In physical activity in the body, the necessary and useful cholesterol is produced, which then absorbs harmful.

Folk Methods Combating elevated cholesterol, combined with medicines and a diet, give very good results. Choose, having coordinated with the doctor, any of the ways of struggle and go through the full course of admission to the means of phytotherapy.

Keep cholesterol under control and do not allow it to increase it, correctly, lead an active lifestyle, follow the weight of your body, pass regular surveys with the study of blood indicators. Thanks to these simple actions, your vessels will be grateful to you, and the body for a long time will delight good health.

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Arina 04/15/2018 at 11:44.

I was also prescribed a similar diet with high cholesterol. But besides her, the preparation of Atorvastatin SZ was appointed early. I was afraid that there would be side effects, but fortunately the fears were not justified. Cholesterol decreases, slowly but right.

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Vasilisa 02/05/2018 at 23:41

I did not follow the focus diet, it was very difficult. But the atorvastatin SZ also drank, cholesterol decreased, did not affect the liver.

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Ilya 30/05/2018 at 21:10

Many people do not help neither nutrition. If you have to drastically deal with the problem, you need to drink tablets. I was prescribed attorvastatin-sz.

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Kolya 09/10/2019 at 13:05

I had a problem in another ... LDL was higher than HDL. In order to put in order, and the first-reduced-adopted atheroclephite bio and teas hypocholecystrine. I recently handed over the tests-seryas painting much better. So such therapy clearly gives its results))

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