Than treat hemorrhoids of pregnant

Than treat hemorrhoids of pregnant

During pregnancy, future mothers usually face the development of hemorrhoids. Increased pressure of hemorrhoidal veins cause frequent constipation, fetal growth and uterus, hormonal changes in the body of a woman. Minimize discomfort will help a set of measures.

Consult your doctor. It will prescribe adequate therapy with drugs in the form of ointments, tablets, lotions or candles.

Do not use products that provoke constipation. Do not eat too many salty foods, since the excess of salt will lead to a water delay in the body and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. Exclude products with great content of spices. Follow a healthy diet rich in fiber. Include in the diet products made of solid grain, fruits and vegetables. From fruit, for example, it will help to alleviate the unpleasant feelings of pineapple and papaya.

Do not raise gravity. Avoid long standing or seating. To reduce the pressure on the rectal veins while sleeping, viewing the TV or reading, take the position lying on the left side.

Watch your weight. Regularly perform a complex of physical exercises for pregnant women and go for a walk.

Do not strain during defecation. After each emptying neatly, but carefully clean the affected area. Use soft toilet paper without color and smell, cool water or agents that do not contain irritating substances.

Use the ice or cold compress on the affected area several times a day.

Perform a daily exercise of Kegel. They will improve blood circulation in the field of the rectum and strengthen the muscles around the anus.

Apply for 2 hours to hemorrhoids. Aspen leaves.

Cut on the night and insert a candle from raw potatoes into the rear pass.

Moisten a cotton swab or a gauze napkin in a hammelis extract and attach to a problem area. Gamamemelis will help knots to cut and facilitate pain.

Twice a day, drink 100 g of beet juice, carrots or rowan.

Carrot juice

After the generation of most women, hemorrhoids disappears. In rare cases, surgery is required to correct the current situation.

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