How to treat varicose at home

How to treat varicose at home

Varicose or varicose disease is a disease of the venous system of a person. The modern world is common among men and middle-aged women. The main cause of the disease is the genetic weakness of the connective tissue. To treat the illness, you can take advantage of the methods of folk and traditional medicine, which will be discussed below.

Varicose disease is an irreversible lengthening and stretching veins, as a consequence of the formation of venous nodes. The causes of the occurrence of the genetic defects of the extreme wall of the veins are considered. The most disease is the most diseases after childbirth and during hormonal failure. Men who have obvious signs of obesity, overweight, and those who are engaged in severe physical labor are also in the risk zone. In addition, people with a sedentary way of life are susceptible to varicose lifestyle.

Cleafers on the legs, swelling of the foot, the feeling of gravity and tingling In the legs, fast fatigue, unpleasant burning sensation is the first signs of varicose veins. The mechanism for the appearance of the disease is an increase in intravenous pressure. The main localization of varicose varicose is the lower limbs. In addition, the flow of such diseases as hemorrhoids, varicocelePortal hypertension is the consequence of varicose ailments.

It is very important to give more resting legs during large physical exertion. There are a number of exercises that will help to significantly improve the venous foot system:

  • Lie on the floor, bend one leg in the knee, stick the same leg under your knees, lift the shin up and lower down. This exercise must be done with two legs alternately. The number of raises is 10-15 times.
  • Pull your arms in front of yourself and put your feet On the width of the shoulders. Move smooth squats 15 times. With this exercise, you will strengthen the muscles of the legs that support the veins in the tone.
  • Be straight, then transfer the body weight on socks and drop sharply to the entire foot. The number of repetitions is 10-15. This exercise strengthens the caviar of the legs.

For prevention and treatment of varicose exists Many different creams and gels. Pharmacology offers tablets in herbal fees. All drugs carry the risk of side effects. Many do not reach the expected treatment results.

Other popular Methods of modern medicine:

  • Sclerotherapy - introduction of special fluid to Vienna. Subsequently she bonds And blood is redistributed on healthy veins.
  • Laser therapy - cutting of patients with laser veins. Effective treatment method with small cuts of alive fabric.
  • Radio frequency ablation - brewing of passages to sore veins from the inside. This method is the most modern and efficient.

People's methods of treatment and prevention varicose:

  • One tablespoon of chips of hops finely chop  add 600 ml of water. After heating in a water bath no more than 15 minutes. Use before eating 150 ml. This method in folk medicine is the best.
  • We put the leaves of Kalanchoe in a liter bank until the middle. We pour 70% alcohol to the top. Tubber to smear on his feet and feet. Pains will leave, and varicose swelling will become much smaller.
  • Cut the green tomato slice. Suppose to a sore vein and tie the bandage for the night. Paints and veins will decrease.

Varicose veins - this is an unpleasant disease that is amenable to treatment. The main thing is to determine the disease in time. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits in food, quit smoking and engage movable, but not exhausting sports. Then the general health will improve significantly.

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Ksenia 09/30/2015 at 0:44.

I want to sleep from hop, I warn you who will be treated. I fell asleep at work. Spit, bought a pack of phlebodia, I drink in the morning now. Maybe not so harmless to the body, but not so harmful for my work.

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Kira 03/12/2015 at 10:20

Phlebodia is even prescribed, what kind of harm can it be? Saw her pregnant, helped well. I liked that all the tablet take the day on the day, and they are transferred easily. It is a pity that nursing this medicine is contraindicated ...

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Maria 04/12/2015 at 22:01

Walnut oil helps well, on the tablespoon three times half an hour before meals. But it is worth it, of course, more expensive than the pack of phlebodia ...

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Luda 12/26/2015 at 20:20

I hear about walnut oil for the first time, always treated with oil from flax seed. Nasty, of course, but also the weight helps to lose, and the veins treat well.

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Anna 12/27/2015 at 0:44.

In order for other means to act, it is necessary to restore blood circulation, otherwise the beneficial substances simply will not reach there, where Kuner. Therefore, the first stage in the treatment is still the reception of vascular drugs, like phlebodia, which prepares the body to further restore. And then I always turn to folk remedies, because I think that strong drugs cannot be taken for a long time.

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Alina 16/01/2016 at 17:23

I drink phlebodia courses for two months. After it, I take the tincture of a nutmeg and horse chestnut, plus the stockings of compression and plowing with apple vinegar. Helps.

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Nastya 01/17/2016 at 18:00

Propolis is very good from varicose veins, but it must be taken or with reliable hands, or in a specialized store. I can't say anything bad about Phlebodia, I drink it periodically, when it gets sick very legs, but I prefer to do without pills in principle. Although it is on the plant components, in medications always besides these components, so many additives that the liver is scary.

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