How to cure a sedal nerve

How to cure a sedal nerve

There are two seeded nerves in the body, each of them begins in the lower back and descends on the back of the hips. Then they branch into smaller nerves. If you started feeling pain in the lower back or limbs, most likely, the nerve is pinned. The following tips will help you to correct the situation.

The symptom of pinching the nerve is pulling or sharp pain, weakness, limited mobility. The pain is felt not only in the lower back, but also in the field of buttocks, hips, legs, heels and fingers. To choose the right treatment, it is necessary to determine the reason for pinched. The most common of them are osteochondrosis, hernia or displacement of intervertebral discs, muscle spasms, large physical exhaust, supercooling, abscess, tumors, infectious diseases, etc.

If you have the above symptoms, do not move too much, but do not observe the bed mode. Take an anesthetic drug and walk on a walk slowly. In most cases, after a few days, pinching and pain passes. But over the next month, it is not recommended to raise heavy items and exercise. If the pain does not pass and the situation is aggravated, supplemented with other symptoms (impossible pain, urinary incontinence, temperature rise, swelling, numbness of the lower extremities, etc.), consult a doctor.

First visit the neurologist. He examines you and says what to do next. You may have to make spinal radiography, computed tomography and radiological research. With severe pain, doctors prescribe special painkillers and anti-inflammatory agents. When the reason is found, the doctor will appoint a suitable treatment that you can use in a complex with painkillers.

In many cases, doctors prescribe physiotherapy - an individual set of exercises, which is associated with straightening posture, exposure to the lower back and muscles of the back. Physiotherapeutic procedures may include magnetic therapy, electrophoresis and phonophoresis, paraffin applications, UHF therapy, massage, as well as the reception of vitamin and mineral complexes that improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Exercises are prescribed depending on the cause of the pincure of the nerve.

If the above methods do not help, only surgical intervention remains, at which a part of the disk is removed by a sedanized nerve.

If you know exactly that pinching the nerve happened due to muscle spasm, apply the following method. Take a warm shower. Submold your back under his jet. After 5-10 minutes, slowly lean forward until the pain appears. Then slowly straighten up. Repeat this exercise several times. Do not stand under the shower for more than 20 minutes and do not take a hot bath. Excess heat can only strengthen swelling.

If the pains just started and you have not yet went to the doctor, take advantage of a good folk agent. Take 200 g of flour and 3 tbsp. l. Natural honey. Mix these ingredients. Make a cake from the resulting test, put it on the sacrum area, close the cellophane and warmed. This method is well used for the night, and in the morning wipe the patient with warm water. Make this procedure three times. Pains must pass from the first.

With the pinching of the sciatic nerve, many people face. Most of them have a problem with themselves in a few days. But if the pains do not pass, do not slow down and consult a neurologist to avoid further complications.

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