How to cure psoriasis forever

How to cure psoriasis forever

Psoriasis - a disease that brings not only physical, but also moral discomfort to man. Get rid of it is not just extremely difficult, but almost impossible. After all, the causes of its occurrence are the most different: genetic predisposition, fungal lesions, bacteria, allergic reactions. In general, psoriasis refers to autoimmune diseases, expressed in the form of the formation of plaques with a peeling surface and is accompanied by a strong itching in the affected places. Get rid of him forever obtained only in units, despite all the achievements of medicine. But there are a number of methods that can help substantially reduce its manifestation or removing recurrence for a long time.

Medical treatment. If you are diagnosed with psoriasis, then this is not a reason to get upset and sorry yourself. In the initial stages, it is quite possible to successfully cope with the disease with the help of ointments, creams and solutions. For example, doctors recommend using divex and salicyl ointment, add tea tree oil in shampoos and gels for shower, which is considered an excellent natural antiseptic. If the disease is chronic, and the scale of skin lesion is significant, then doctors prescribe disintellation and desensitizing agents, which are treated exclusively in the hospital. A course of irradiation of the affected areas of skin with ultraviolet radiation of B-type can also be appointed.

Ethnoscience. Sometimes grandmother's recipes give a significantly better result than all known scientists approaches. If you also think, then here are a few of them who received the best feedback from the patients:

  1. 1 tsp Licode root naked to fill the glass of water, bring to a boil, boil 10 minutes and give it an hour. The recommended dose - 1 tablespoon up to 5 times a day.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the leaf of Aloe and store it in the fridge. It is recommended to take 1 tsp three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  3. 1 tbsp. Place a glass of boiling water and boil 5 minutes, leave for an hour to fill. Take three times a day of 1 tbsp. 15-20 minutes before meals.
  4. 1 tsp Medical dandelion pour a glass of boiling water, put on fire, cook for 5 minutes. It is also recommended to take to meals, but the quantity can be from 1 to 3 spoons.

The fight against psoriasis should not only externally, but also internally. Naturally, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, to abandon the bad habits and comply with the diet (eliminate fatty meat, liver, kidneys, egg yolks, refuse to make the use of salt and sharp seasoning). Many patients noted a sharp aggravation against the background of stress. And even though it is quite difficult to avoid it in everyday life, yet it is necessary to strive for it. For example, take preparations for increasing stress resistance, sedative in difficult periods.

In addition, sunny baths are very useful. No need to be shy, because most people are aware that the psoriasis is not infected. Ideally, if you have finance, it is worth visiting the Dead Sea. In combination with sun baths, it may be simply a stunning effect, and psoriasis if it does not leave forever, then its manifestation will become several times less.

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Helena 06/11/2017 at 21:35

Number of March 22, 2007: Archive of the newspaper "Travinka"

For six years already there is no disease

Often I read the requests of people to help them get rid of such skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. I myself suffered from the psoriasis of the whole 11 years and passed through hellish flour. Therefore, I really want to help such people.
For 6 years now, as I am completely healthy and feel a full-fledged person. And before that there was all, with legs to the head, covered with scales. Where I only was treated, but the doctor only was bred and said that psoriasis was incurable. And I do not know what it would be with me now, if not my relatives who live in Bryansk. Somewhere I learned about a woman who lives near them in a small town and knows how to cure skin diseases by an ancient recipe with the help of special ointments and herbs.
I immediately went to her. Natalia Pavlovna (so calling this good woman) prepared me everything you need for treatment and said that for 2-2.5 months I would pass, which I, of course, did not really believed.
But after one and a half months, my skin really cleared. Another Natalia Pavlovna said that the duration of treatment depends on the state of the nervous system and the purity of the body.
Now I remember my illness as a terrible nightmare. I am very grateful to Natalia Pavlovna for her precious work - the ability to cure diseases that are not subject to official medicine. And I write this letter for those who suffer psoriasis. Who needs this healer, I inform you how to contact her: Bryansk region, Natalia Pavlovna, Tel.8-903-818-67-69.
Tamara Alekseevna Isotova, Moscow

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