Wear eye what to do

Wear eye what to do

By themselves, the eyes are simply not able to be swollen. To factors, due to which this happens, various allergic reactions can be attributed, alcohol and salt food, high pressure, infection, lack of sleep, stress, long-term work at a computer, crying. Also, the eye can be swollen due to the developed phlegmon or hidden pathologies of internal organs. Before taking any measures to remove the edema, it is necessary to establish the reason that provoked this condition. In some cases, it will be enough to use folk treatments, in others without contacting the appropriate specialist just can not do.

If the cause of swollen eyes is an allergic reaction, provoked by the insect bite, cosmetic and chemical agents, perfume, plants, drugs and other things, accept the antihistamine drug (Laratodine, Phenistil, Tuesegil, Supratin, Claritin, Zirtek, Diazolin, Fencarol) or use erythromycin, hydrocortisone Ointment. From the drops are effective allergel, ophthalmferon. Then be sure to consult a doctor, especially with the first reaction. Such situations are dangerous by the development of swelling and anaphylactic shock. The doctor after the necessary analyzes will select the most effective course of therapy with antihistamine drops and pills. With the bite of insects are not cheeky and not the tritte eyes, you only aggravate the state. Attach compresses with a procurest or kefir, tea brewing to the patient, tea. You can lubricate the synaflane.


Even if you possess an absolutely healthy urinary system, eaten at night salty food will make yourself known in the morning with your eyes, especially if you drink it with alcohol drinks. The salt contributes to the fluid delay in the body, alcohol disrupts metabolic processes, and also provokes excess permeability of vessel walls. Lead to edema and lacking, hypothermia. To get rid of such swelling, attach to the eyes of the boiled and slightly cooled tea bags for five minutes, then change them cold, or wipe the eyelids ice. It will not be superfluous to massate the swollen area with light movements, do it on the bottom and upper age of the temples from the bridges, then carefully praise the places with the pads of the fingers. Stodita fresh cucumber and attach for fifteen minutes. Either moisten cotton wheels in cold milk, keep them on swollen eyes at least ten minutes. For the same purpose, sliced \u200b\u200band cooled raw potatoes are suitable.

Eye mask

Well removes the edema of the eyes and juice of parsley. Wash your cotton swabs in it and attach to centuries for ten minutes. The same properties have chilled water with the addition of five drops of vitamin E. or cool a pair of chicken fresh eggs, then beat the proteins and apply to the swollen eyelids, keep drying. Effective and compresses with influences from a series, sage, chaybra, lavender, chamomile flowers. All reduced recipes are suitable for removing the edema of the eye due to impact. Also for this purpose, use the ointment rescuer. If the reason lies in elevated pressure, it is recommended to drink rho rose drum and adopt a hypotensive drug during the day. Eyes can be swollen and due to violations of urinary, cardiovascular systems, osteochondrosis, liver problems. In this case, the help of a specialist who can prescribe the course of therapy only after the survey conducted. Hormonal changes in your body can also provoke eye swinging. Hormonal drugs discharged by the doctor will help restore the imbalance.

Juice parsley

The most common causes of swollen eyes are infectious inflammatory processes. As a rule, it is barley and conjunctivitis. The symptoms may be rubbed, redness, burning, itching, temperature increase, soreness. Be sure to contact a specialist and try not to rub the sore eyes. Suggest barley is strictly prohibited, since it may be possible to septice. Ophthalmologist will appoint you anti-inflammatory, antibacterial drugs. It can be both pills and drops, ointments. The most effective are albucid, erythromycin, phloxal, instrument, teracycline ointment. To remove the pain syndrome, accept ibuprofen. Press the eye with a solution of furaticiline or boric acid, tea welding, decoction of flax seeds, the positiveness of the plantain. You can apply a cut-off garlic slicker, getting it with alcohol, Nasty of Propolis. Help the compresses with Calendula's infusion, make them three times a day. Fill five laurel leaves 100 ml boiling water, cool and drink. The remedy sues it even from chronic barley. If the edema is big, drip two or three drops of sulfacyl. Conjuctivitis Treat with the help of a row with a decoction of Sage.

Tincture and garlic

Permanent swelling of the underground may indicate an excessive sprouting of adipose tissue. You can solve this problem only with blepharoplasty.

Comments leave a comment
Svetik 20/04/2018 at 16:21

Here, too, Floxal was discharged, when the eye is swollen, the ointment of this three times a day was laid out, so that the starting barley is in the root of "strangle". Well helped.

Arina 04/04/2018 at 17:56.

Thanks for the delivel tips.

faith 27/04/2018 at 13:36

Also, ointment Floxal I use in such cases. Straight ointment so that you can lay in the eyelo. Only a week I used that later barley did not jump out again. I still try not to touch the eye in general, I washed only to the driver and did not even touch.

Ulyana 12/05/2018 at 17:23

I did not help the folk remedies!

Ulyana 13/05/2018 at 13:11

I got a barley 2 weeks ago. I read the comments and decided to choose Floxal. I smear for 6 day, tomorrow is the last. Barley began to pass on 3 day !! Now almost everything. Thanks for the delivered comments !!

faith 14/07/2018 at 22:18.

Whoever treats the eyes, some tea is washed, for example, although it can cause even stronger inflammation. I like dropping from conjunctivitis, I use them more comfortable. If I suddenly come across such a problem, I drown a floccal course, the sore passes completely in a week.

Olesia 07/10/2018 at 13:20

Curved comments about Ointment Floxal and decided to try, because conjunctivitis is my problem number 1. Was :) passed the whole course, 7 days, and forgot about this problem. I bought the second tube of course, but for half a year already lying so


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