The swollen eyes are not just aesthetic drawback, it is an important symptom of many pathological conditions of the body. Some reasons for the occurrence of eyelids can be easily eliminated independently, others require urgent medical intervention. Treatment of swollen eyes is carried out depending on the origin of the problem and the development stage of the disease. What to do when the eyelidity is detected - we will tell in our article.
- lacking;
- consumption in a large number of salted products, which leads to a stagnation of fluid in the body;
- insect bites;
- drunk liquid overnight;
- allergic reaction to cosmetics;
- in some women, eye swelling occurs before menstruation or during pregnancy;
- hereditary predisposition;
- avitaminosis;
- the reaction of the body on the reception of drugs.
- hormonal imbalance;
- diseases of the urogenital system;
- pathology of kidney;
- eye injury, including foreign microparticles;
- cardiovascular pathology;
- allergic reaction to products;
- viral diseases;
- infectious eye diseases: conjunctivitis, phlegmon, barley and others who accompanied by painful sensations in the field of defeat.
- It is impossible to rub the eye or squeeze the barley - it will only aggravate the situation.
- First It is necessary to rinse the eye with a solution of furaciline, romashkov decoction or antiseptic preparation, for example, " Ocomatin" To do this, you need to drop the medicine in the eye bag from the inside of the affected organ and often peer, evenly distributing drops in this way.
- When barley, the affected area is applied tetracyclinova ointment. And Cine S. conjunctivitis help antibacterial drops " Floxal».
- With infectious lesion, the organ of vision also helps dry warm compresses.
- Correct skin care around the eye will help reduce swelling, redness of the eyelids and remove Bruisies under the eyes. Apply a high-quality cream every night, designed precisely for the sensitive skin of the eyelids. For example, cream gel Reveline. Russian production is designed specifically to solve the problem of swollen eyes.
- Compliance vesselovoi Diets will help withdraw the accumulated fluid in the body and remove the swelling of the eyes.
- Mesotherapy - This is the process of administering under the skin of vitamin or homeopathic preparations, which will help relieve inflammation and swelling.
- Electrostimulation of the problem area by low-frequency current, due to which the deep lymphodroenzh.
- Cryoralifting It implies the effect of cold on the problem zone, due to which the exchange processes are accelerated and the stagnant liquid is derived.
- Massage and various cosmetic masks will also effectively cope with the problem. The choice of the methods necessary in a particular case must be previously discussed with the doctor.
- The most common method to reassure inflamed and swollen eyes - grate the cold cucumber, wrap in gauze and attach the resulting compress for 20 minutes.
- An excellent skin care tool around the eyes is the washbasin of ice cubes made from diluting medicinal herbs.
- Quickly remove the swelling attached to the eyes silver spoons.
- The mask from Pereshitsa Parsley and spoons of sour cream will calm the skin, improve the blood flow and worst tender skin around the eye with vitamins.
- Cool the black bread in the refrigerator. If necessary, without any preparations you can quickly remove swelling from the eye, putting the pieces for 5 minutes.
Swollen eyes are always a sign that the body requires you to pay special attention to health. Do not neglect this symptom - consult a doctor and find out The cause of painful sensations. But do not forget about the daily proper skin care and healthy nutrition - this is the key to the beauty of your eyes.
Today I woke up with swollen eyes, and in addition to swelling, there is also redness. Something seems to me that this is conjunctivitis ... how is it generally treated?
Svetlana, if for the first time this or is not confident in the diagnosis, then it is better to appeal to the doctor. I'm just quite often suffering from conjunctivitis and already know all the symptoms. I am going to flushed with drops of floccal, week and eyes full of order.