How to cure barley on the eye

How to cure barley on the eye

Plowness of the eyelid, the appearance of itching and pain - the main signs of barley appearance. If you begin to treat right away, the inflammation will quickly pass without providing complications.

First aid when barley appears - dry heat. For 20 minutes Attached to the inflamed area of \u200b\u200ba hot boiled egg, wrapped in a soft fabric. You can make a height, filling the bag of x / b facus with warm salt, seed flax, bran, wheat or sand.


Before bedtime, the alcohol, the green, the tincture of propolis or iodine. It should be careful that the solution does not hit the mucous eye.


Scarlet juice for water 10 times and give 8 hours in a dark place. In the resulting liquid, moisten the napkin and apply it to barley 4 times a day for 15 minutes.




Approximately 1.5 tbsp. l. Hypericum pour 200 g boiling water when cooled - strain. Wrapped the eye to wash in infusion several times a day. If necessary, the St. John's wort can be replaced with black tea, a daisy of medicinal, cornflower blue, pyzhma, calendula, birch kidneys.

Healing Rawa

The leaf of the Golden Usa is crushed into Cashitz and apply for a sore eyelid for 3 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.

Golden Us2.

Take 3-4 laurel sheets, pour the glass of boiling water, allow you to insist and proceed. During the day you need to drink up to 7 cups of beam, each time the fresh bay leaf is brewing. The next day, barley will pass.

Laurel sheet2.

With a strong itching and slug, grate the fresh root of the burdock on the shallow grater. Wrap the resulting mass in the gauze and attach to barley.


With drug treatment, barley use eye drops (cyprolets, albacide, torps) and ointment with antibiotics (erythromycinic, tetracycline, leftomycinic). Ointment is applied several times a day to the surface of barley and under the eyelid.


If a week barley did not pass, the temperature rose, headaches and dizziness appeared, consult a doctor. To avoid the appearance of barley, do not try your eyes with dirty hands, follow personal hygiene rules.

Comments leave a comment
Valeria Kromkina 07/06/2016 at 16:15

Barley appears on the eye, the eye hurts and itches even. What advise how to treat?

To answer
Victoria 10/06/2016 at 17:43

Valeria, I know, now everyone will begin to advise you to advise a lot of things. Especially folk remedies love to advise, shower or tear to ride. I honestly, I did not use it, I did not use it, I went to the pharmacy and bought ointment Floxal - 7 days applied to the ointment appliqués, and so I cured the barley. Barley, by the way, passed before, but the treatment has passed as it should be. That was what I had, but now anyone else will write.

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Lera P. 10/08/2016 at 18:32

Yes, by the way, why are you asking how to treat barley, always some folk remedies advise. Just amazes how this purulent inflammation is treated without an antibiotic.

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