How to cure candidiasis

How to cure candidiasis

Candidiasis is a common fungal infection that causes itching and the appearance of a characteristic laid on the mucous membranes. Yeast-like mushrooms are always present in the body, but when immunity decreases rapidly grow, provoking the occurrence of candidiasis. In this article we will tell how to cure candidiasis.

Folk Methods

If the white flare is in the language and in the oral cavity, then it is desirable to remove all signs of the disease before using special tools. To do this, wrap the finger of gauze and squand the white foam. After that, rinse the mouth of the chamomile decoction. It is recommended to combine folk methods with antibiotics that are accepted orally. This will reduce the amount of mushrooms in the body. To eliminate symptoms in the mouth and on the mucous membrane, you can use the decoction of the bark of oak or roots of the burdock. These solutions need to rinse the mouth. In the case of vaginal candidiasis, the liquid is injected into the cavity of the vagina with a fringe.

How to cure candidiasis


If you often appear thrush, it is desirable to use not only local action drugs, but also antibiotics. The most effective are fluconazole, nastatin, metronidazole. Together with these drugs, doctors are often prescribed Augmentin, Trichopol and Flexin. These substances do not treat thrush, but destroy infections that weaken the organism and contribute to the growth of mushrooms. After all, the most often candidiasis is caused by a decrease in immunity due to the growth of cells of pathogenic bacteria or viruses.

How to cure candidiasis

Candidiasis in children

Kids, candidiasis most often appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin folds and on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Therapy includes the use of local antibiotics. Usually affected places are lubricated with an antibiotic solution or ointment. To the treatment of thrush in the mouth is used ketoconazole and diphluun. If the stains and rashes appeared armpits and in the groin area, they are treated with a solution of mangalls or green.

How to cure candidiasis


Candidiasis often arises after treatment with a wide range of action. The body reduces the number of useful lactobacilli, which restrain the growth of mushrooms. Therefore, in the treatment of infectious diseases of sex tract and internal organs, it is recommended to take drugs of Linex, Bio Guy, Laktovitis, Laktor. These drugs contain lactobacilli, which restore the microflora in the intestines and other mucous membranes. With frequent recurrences of the candidiasis, it is recommended to take immunomodulators that increase immunity.

How to cure candidiasis

It must be remembered that self-treatment may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous. Superinfection may develop, insensitive to a large amount of drugs. That is why it is recommended to donate bapposev on the flora and sensitivity to the antibiotic. In this case, the doctor will be confident in the effectiveness of the prescribed drug.

How to cure candidiasis

In the treatment of candidiasis in children, try not to apply antibiotics that are accepted orally. They can reduce the function of the liver and slow down the work of the kidneys. With the right choice of medication, it will be possible to cure with the milk of ointments and local solutions. Together with these drugs, it is recommended to take immunomodulators and lactobacillia.

Comments leave a comment
Irina 26/02/2020 at 13:16

Candidiasis is the same thrush? Right?

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Nadya 28/02/2020 at 16:54

Yes, Irina, the same thrush, the symptoms are the same and treatment too. I remember with her, just cure and in a week again ... Then a new doctor said that after the antifungal drug, it was not necessary to restore the microflora to the microflora and the second stage was prescribed a lactine. And since then I do not remember about Candidiasis.

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