How to cure the thrush in women

How to cure the thrush in women

The thrush is a fungal disease, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: itching, discharge and smell. Cerencing the thrush (or vaginal candidiasis) is quite difficult. To achieve an optimal result, you need an integrated approach. Consider the basic principles of the treatment of thrush in women.

With the help of the attending physician, select medicines that quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms of illness. These include vaginal candles and ointments: Nystatin, Lev Roomin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Terezhin, Ketoconazole. But it is impossible to get involved in such local drugs. Many of them on a row with aggressive impact on the Candida fungus adversely affect the natural flora of the vagina, making it vulnerable to other diseases.

Add to ointments and candles tablets. Preparations of local exposure do not always kill the fungus, more often only get rid of symptoms. Use one dose of fluconazole or two doses of itraconazole. Refuse hormonal drugs.

Treat the thrush with your partner. Often, candidiasis is transmitted by sexually, and even if the woman cures, the fungus will return to her through her man.

Stick in proper nutrition. Sharp and smoked dishes, alcohol and harmful preservatives weaken the body, which provokes the recurrence of many diseases. Refer to fruits and vegetables without aggressive heat treatment.

Refuse severe physical work, avoid stress.

Personal hygiene and douching. Daily gaskets are a way of reproduction of pathogenic flora. Thanks to heat and high humidity, various fungal diseases develop in them. Therefore, it is better to change them every 3 hours, or not to use hygienic pads at all. From the use of tampons, it is also desirable to refuse. Do not get drunk.

It is important during the treatment of thrush to wear only natural cotton linen, better than white color so that paint from colored linen does not irritate the skin. Refuse from too close trousers and tights. They provoke the reproduction of the fungus, and also cause itching and irritation on the skin.

Best protects from the fungus. An ordinary brown household soap is. From antibacterial drugs will have to get rid at all: they kill the natural flora of the vagina, and it interferes with treatment. The means for intimate hygiene is also not always suitable: flavors and dyes interfere with treatment, provoke itching and redness. Double a week to refuse to use soap in favor of a weakly-pink solution of mangarteau.

Contact folk remedies. Baths, tampony, kneading and sinking various infuses and decoctions make it easier for symptoms, help in complex treatment, possess a common action. For this, such herbs are suitable: chamomile, calendula, yarrow, cleanliness and oak bark.

Take advantage of our advice, and soon the long-awaited relief will come. Health to you!

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Vika 02/26/22020 at 13:14

Girls, hello! Who had such a bjaka? What to do and where to run? To the doctor or can you lie to her?

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Yana. 27/02/2020 at 20:50

Vika, how to run? To your gynecologist, he will cure. Although everyone is treated in different ways, but I liked my new doctor. Not only the antifungal drug prescribed, but also the second stage to restore the microflora lactochinal. That's just after this treatment about the thrush and I do not remember.

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