Treatment of nail fungus on legs by folk remedies

Treatment of nail fungus on legs by folk remedies

If you not faced with fungus, then surely heard o nem. from friends or relatives. More often total his subject to nails on fingers foot, so how they more contact with earth. Picking fungus, you not will be able to put on shoes with open sockfromper ugly view nail, a itch and irritation will be literally loop with mind! V process treatment great help folk funds.

1) Symptoms and causes occurrence fungus

Fungus on nails fingers foot n. with how not confiscate. His symptoms:

  • Bundle nail;
  • Itch fingers foot;
  • Badly smelling legs, shoes;
  • Darkening nail, sometimes oceeling;
  • Painness finger with infected nail.

You you can patch fungus v anyone public place, where yours legs not protected shoes: v pool, v locker room on beach, v ban or sauna. Sosame cause infection maybe become wearing shoes infected man or usage objects, which he processed nails.

2) Treatment with help iodine

Iodine wide applied for treatment fungus nail, thanks to his antiseptic properties, a sosame capabilities force proteins roll, what interferes fungus four and news vital activity. Such way suitable for not launched case, when fungus captured not more halves nail. Iodine can apply a few methods:

  1. Twice v day proceed nail one drop 5% alcohol solo iodine. Use for of this vATOV chopper. Once v two day conduct such same procedure sO healthy nails.
  2. Pour v pelvis hot water, add little iodine, whatwould water painted v yellowish colour. Park legs 10 minutes, after what cut nails with fungus and process fingers foot peroxide hydrogen. When legs dried out, apply on nails antibacterial ointment and tie away marley or bintom. Do it procedure not more three once.
  3. This method comprehensive treatment held 6 months. First two weeks two times v day proceed nails fuccinian. Second and third week use solution iodine. Last two weeks treatment is conducted vinegar.
  4. V small jar mix iodine, nitropung, acetic essence and juice garlic v equal quantity. On night saw legs, cut loose part nail. Shabble jar and apply medicine on amazed plots.

3) Home ointment for nail

For cooking mazi. to you need:

  • Chicken egg1 pCS.;
  • Acetic essence1 cup;
  • Creamy butter1 c.. l..

Cooking and application:

  1. Put v cup egg. Fully fill out his acetic essence.
  2. Put cup v dark cupboard and wait, while vinegar not rasolrit shell.
  3. Release egg from films. Vinegar, egg and butter stir, while on consistencies mixture not will similar on ointment.
  4. Saw legs. Apply ointment on marlu and apply to nail, observe v cellophane and secure bintom.
  5. Nail start soften and raise, cut this plot..
  6. Mix ointment every evening until it grows up a healthy nail.

3) Horseradish from fungus nail

Normal horseradish is an strong actor treatment fungus. Done this is follow way:

  1. Grind horseradish on terek. or v meat grinder.
  2. Pipigitis nail.
  3. 5 gram khrena distribute on affected plot..
  4. Continue fingers foot and leave on night.
  5. Conduct procedure while not will increase healthy nail.

4) Soda solution

Sodaproduct, which the find w. any hostess. She wide applied how v cooking, so and v people medicine. Whatwould cure fungus sodovo. solution, make following:

  1. Prepare solution: pour v pelvis hot water, add soda (third dining room spoon on liter water).
  2. Saw v nem. legs.
  3. For best effect hold it down to nail cotton disk, mooched v oil puretel.
  4. Secure bintom or plaster. and nearby warm sock.
  5. Across 20 minutes remove bandage, legs rash. Repeat procedure 23 times v day.

5) Home lotion

This lotion effective even v launched cases. To you need:

  • Juice garlic1 c.. l..;
  • Alcohol 90%-nyu1 c.. l..;
  • Distilled waterfloor glasses.

Mix all ingredients and lubricate sick nails and fingers eVERY night. Fungus retreat v near time.

6) Medical grass

At treatment fungus foot herbs we using two recipe: on based milk and with help mint..

Bathochka with moxha

This procedure not only lechit, but and helps relax and delivers mass pleasure. Let's start:

  1. 10 gram milk fill boiling water v 3litova pans. Snatch her v towel and insist 2 hours.
  2. Park legs v nasty 3040 minutes.
  3. After bathrooms clean peeling cork.
  4. Repeat procedure everyone two day.

Compress with mint

Better take freshlywalked plant, but will go and his dried analog. Cook compress nothard:

  1. Distribution mint. with sOLYU. v equal proportions. If you bereret dried mint., not much moch her water.
  2. Mixture apply to patient nail and secure bintom.
  3. Across hour remove bandage. Repeat procedure each day.

7) Ointment with copper vitriol

Copper vigor famous n. disinfectant properties. He often assign doctors how addition to drug treatment, but sosame maybe to be used how self medicine. For mazi. uS need:

  • Copper vigor1 c.. l..;
  • Powder yellow sulfur1 c.. l..;
  • Tar / goose fat1 c.. l..

Best to cooking:

  1. Copper vigor danie on skin, while he not will be white or gray.
  2. Mix rest ingredients, stirring, heating.

Maja sick nails this masout each evening.

How you see, exists many diverse folk tools treatment fungus nail on feet. Hard compare their efficiency, after all she depends from set individual factors. If v flow 12 months selected method not helps, try another.

Comments leave a comment
Alina 09/19/2019 at 9:42.

And I got rid of Mizol from the fungus ... + Of course, the baths with a mangartee ... probably such an integrated approach and helped to get rid of the problem)) I don't think that the folk remedies can handle it alone ... Now, however, I am very worried about this account and hygiene began to support straight eh how not to give God again to pick up something

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