People's Treatment of Heel Pain

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

The pain in the heel may be associated with the breakdown of tendon, arthritis or spur. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, as you can only harm. But if you exactly figured out the causes of the appearance of pain, you can take advantage of folk remedies. We will tell you more about them in this article.

Treatment of heel spurs by folk methods

Pretty effectively struggling with pain with the heel spur animal fat. To do this, cut a piece of sala and attach it to the patient. Appliqué Leave for the night. Instead of pork sala, you can use bantling fat. To reduce pain, you need to make 10 missions. Instead of fat, you can use potatoes. Clean the vegetable from the peel and soda on the shallow grater. Attach Cashitz to the patient and tap. Leave compress all night. In just 5 days, the pain will eat, but it is worth continuing to make a bummer for another 5 days.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

To get rid of the pain in the heel, you need to drink the tincture of the saber of the marsh. For this, the alcohol tincture is diluted with water and take 3 times a day before taking food. This medicine brings salt from the body and helps to reduce inflammation.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

Contrast massage

At home, get rid of pain in the heel using ice and hot heel. To do this, hold ice on the heel for 7 minutes, take a break for 10 minutes. After 7 minutes, attach a hot heater. During the massage of the ice cube, try to indulge in the fabric. Such manipulations should be done 2-3 times a day. Instead of heating pads and ice can be alternately omitted foot in hot and cold water.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

Ointment for the treatment of arthritis calcaneal

To make ointment mix egg with a pack of butter. Slug strip into a mortar before getting small crumbs. Fill it with half a glass of vinegar and keep until the shell is dissolved. Mix all the ingredients and put the mass into the refrigerator. After 21 days you can put the cooked ointment over the patient.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

How to deal with pain in the morning

In the morning, the heels are sick due to heavy loads and stretching tendons. In this case, you need to use ointments and cream to improve elasticity. It is recommended to reduce physical exertion for some time. Excellent copes with pain Warm bath with soda. To do this, pumped into the pelvis with warm water of the Stall of Soda. Hold the foot in a solution of 20 minutes. You can massate your feet.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

Heel hurts when walking

Pain may occur not only in adults, but also in children. This is due to excessive weight and flatfoot. In this case, it is recommended to make a foot massage. To do this, sit on the chair and go on the back. With the help of a thumb, share the letter "C", in the front of the foot. After the heel line "Draw" the letter "O". It is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes and exercise exercise.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

Herbs for treating pain in the heel

Iris's root should be washed and grind on the meat grinder. We will need 250 g. Fill the Kashitz with a glass of vodka or alcohol and leave for 14 days. After that, the mixture is needed to strain and prevent it with a bandage. Attach it to the patient and keep all night. Instead of iris, you can use nettle. Grind it on a meat grinder, and apply the resulting cleaner for the night to the patient.

People's Treatment of Heel Pain

Do not tighten with a campaign to the doctor. Sometimes pain in the heel is the first "bell", which indicates a serious age.

Comments leave a comment
Rimma 23/10/2021 at 12:26

But unambiguously most likely these are problems with joints .... Indicatically with ankle. Therefore, it is better not yet to start it, smaller walk and take Honda MSM Evalarovskaya to relieve pain and inflammation. It is better not to come up with nothing, because there is even hyaluronic acid there, which is very useful in this regard. Try even more chores there is pure collagen.

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