How to treat the heel vehicle

How to treat the heel vehicle

Spur on heelthis is disease referencemotor systems, title which  is talking per myself: this is acute pain v heel. WITH this problem face huge  number of people on average and old age, majority from them this is womenExists opinion, what pain causes formed on sole legs pointed growth from bones (there where attached bound apparatus feet), but this is not so. Further consider methods for relief pain and treatment spurs on heel.

1) Recommendations at recently appearance  heel Spurs

If problem appeared recently, then follow stick to  such  soviets:

  • exclude wearing uncomfortable shoes, soft slippers, put away shoes with high heel
  • lubricate heels everyone three hours warming balsamami or ozzy. it maybe to be ointment, the basis which is an  pchele i.

2Exercises medical physical Cultures with heel spurs

For treatment spurs on heel necessary fulfill lungs physical exercises, help develop limb.
So, necessary walk on room on socksattack  on internal part feet, a then on external. Legs at it is overload  not necessary.

3) Glavny to minimum physical loads with heel spurs

If disease acquired chronic character, then not necessary load limb, without much need. Treatment spurs necessary start off with unloading, a exactly  with elimination pressure on limb. Such an approach leads to effective subsequent treatment. Often recommended even bed mode.

At spur on heel necessary avoid strong  lifts  and descents  on stairs, better enjoy  lift., for a long time not walk and not run, not lift up heavy things. Everything this is maybe only aggravate painful feel. A classes run  can replace swimming and  bicycle.

Bicycle Stealth and-Girls-C-ass

4) Adoption  baths with heel spurs

To decrease  inflammatory process recommended accept contrast bath. At first necessary apply ice, a after go away v bath with hot water. Such procedure necessary to repeat several once v week.
Also recommended make compress. For his cooking necessary connect sunflower butter  and naughty alcohol v proportions one to two. Then match rag v obtained solution and attach to affected plot. heels. Procedure necessary fulfill on length several months daily.

5) Ultrasound therapy for heel spurs

This way on today's day is an most effective and popular. Treatment similar with x-ray therapy, but at treatment ultrasound no nic complications. If happening strongly laundled, then and this method maybe not come true.

6) Operation with heel spurs

If ultrasound therapy not helped, then necessary resort to operations. This procedure leads to destruction pad spurs. But, if cause diseases left, then problem return. except of this, if bone damaged in time operations, then this is also will lead to appearance spurs on heel.

7) Recommended exercises

At problem with heels necessary, sitting front tV, ride legs on pebbles, ball orsharik.. it not must bring painFor strengthening muscle foot can ask for physiotherapist. give advice special exercises.


8Wearing orthopedic  stelek

Such. medical products for sale v specialized pharmacies. Ideal option can become sneakers, having orthopedic sole. Such. sole it has depression under spike heels. Their not necessary take off on length total period treatment.

9) Info  herbs from the heel spurs

except all kinds restrictions and recommendations, treatment necessary additional herbal therapyMost effective anti-inflammatory and anesthetic composition  is an  tincture bolotnaya sabelnik. His necessary drink on  1  spoon before adoption food on length 20 daysAND, to consolidate result, necessary repeat reception across ten days.


10) Urinotherapy from heel spurs

Next way It is considered fairly effective. For bathrooms would need  cup own urina and floor liter water. Then place heel v composition on 20  minutes, after procedures put on   socks.


You can only choose a way to suit you!
Remember, what this disease is an inflammatory and treat her necessary complexRequired not only holding massage, gymnastics, bath, compressions, a and medical survey. Lead to development spurs can all sorts causes, therefore for best result necessary reveal root cause. After all, your legs want tenderness and care from you.

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