How to treat corn on the heel

How to treat corn on the heel

Corn - Education on the foot, which bursts due to constant contact with shoes. Most often corn appear on the heel, this contribute to the wearing shoes or excessive loads on the limb. If such education occurs, severe pain is felt, provoking a reduction in motor activity. In this article we will tell how to treat corn on the heel.

Callo Characteristics

Types of corns on heels:

  • fresh (water);
  • dry.

Usually, the watermen arise due to incorrectly selected shoes. This is often with new shoes. There are such formations with constant friction and detachment of the upper layer of the skin. Remember, cut and squeeze the liquid from the bubble independently. Only when the corn burst, you can rinse with water and handle with an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide or furacilin solution is perfect.

People's methods for the treatment of water

If you want to quickly get rid of the wound on the heel, you can use one of the people's ways. To do this, in equal proportions, mix the juice juice and fish oil. Moisten your wadd disk in this solution and attach to the heel. Secure the compress the plaster. It is advisable to make such a bummer for the night. In just 2-3 days you will forget about pain.

You can remove fresh corn with ordinary lemon. To do this, take a part of the citrus and remove the flesh. You should only have a skin. Attach it to the steaming heel and recalculate. Leave the skin on the night, and in the morning, hold the legs in warm water and spend the dried place with pembia. In the same way, you can cure with fresh figs. It should also be applied to formations for 8 hours.

How to treat corn on the heel

Treatment of dry corns

Acetylsalicylic acid

To remove a drilled layer, you need to break the feet in hot water and attach to the patient the healing mixture. To prepare the medicine, mix 5 aspirin tablets and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Different in the mixture some water and shake. You should get liquid cashem. It needs to be soaked with a cotton swab and attached 30 minutes to corn. After that, the skin will become soft, and you can remove it with pimples.


To prepare the compress, clean the bulb from the peel and cut it into two parts. Lower the half at 9% acetic solution and hold 30-40 minutes. Pump off the bulbs on one petal and apply to the old corn. In just a few treatments, the skin will become soft, and you can remove it with a saw or pimple.

Pharmacy means

Excellent copier with Colatolic ointment copies. They usually applied to a damaged place. For several days enough to forget about corn. There are also special plasters on sale. They must be glued to the patient, and after some time removed. On the inside of the plaster there is a gasket impregnated with softening composition. She makes skin soft.

Remember, the condition of your legs depends on how much time you spend on them. Behind the skin stop need constant care, so get a special cream and make it a week of a bath with the addition of soda and medicinal herbs.

Comments leave a comment
Tina 14/12/2015 at 19:29

Oh, these legs! How often we forget about them. And then we are looking for a treatment methods on the expanses of Runet when you could just prevent. This is a stone and in my garden, unfortunately. But nothing really standing.

To answer
Olesia 12/15/2015 at 15:44.

Try plasters from dry corns. They are with salicylic acid, it is dry skin, and then take it. Sometimes it is spoiled as a sticker. Do not buy dear, it's all about the branding of the manufacturer. Take the slylipod, it is cheap, but the result will be good.

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Anna 04/01/2016 at 9:57.

How many creams I did not reload, nothing helps me get rid of the dry corn (((

To answer
Venus 04/01/2016 at 15:11

Anna, I did not trim, but a couple exactly. And believe the effect they do not give. Then, on the advice of a friend who works in the cosmetic salon, went and bought a plaster of Salipod, about which already wrote here. I understood that it was necessary to immediately buy it, since only two days I needed to donate the plaster on the corner and she lagged behind along with the plaster when I shot.

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