How to treat spurs on the heels

How to treat spurs on the heels

The heel spur is an increase in the heel bone formed by calcium excessions in the body. The disease is unpleasant, it limits the motor activity, causes pain when walking. For the treatment of spurs, a complex of conservative treatment measures and folk remedies are used.

Why arises spur on the heel

Porous sensations cause no spur, and the planner facitis formed because of it. Facite is a disease in which the connecting fabric that generates the stop of the foot is injured. Microcracks cause pain when walking, and at night are tightened, shortening the length of the fascia. With the first morning steps, it bursts again, and the person is experiencing an acute pain that subsides in the evening. Regular discontinuities develop inflammation - it causes continuous discomfort in the heel area. The reasons for the formation of the heel spurs and the fascite:

  • excess calcium;
  • flatfoot;
  • fractures;
  • chronic bone injury in the heel;
  • vascular diseases;
  • mineral metabolism failure;
  • wearing shoes on a fine sole.

Symptoms and diagnostics

The disease is pronounced pronounced and accompanied by pain at the site of growth of growth. Symptoms Spurs on the heel:

  • The pain that subsides without load on the foot and is intensified in the first minutes of walking.
  • Lameness. The discomfort in the heel makes step on her carefully, and sometimes it forces to rely only on the front of the foot.
  • Change gait. Soution, lateral curvatures.
  • Rough skin on the heel, redness, and in the running cases - suppuration.
  • Voltage in the stack of foot, not passing even at night.

The presence of spurs and its magnitude doctor determines the image with X-ray. Do not attempt to eliminate the symptoms without consulting the doctor, as they may indicate a different disease - stretching, fracture, etc.

Traditional treatment Spur on heels

After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a treatment with traditional methods, the effectiveness of which is confirmed:

  • Therapeutic physical culture with reduced shared loads. Exercises aimed at the stretching of the foot are carried out after heating the muscles.
  • Locking the foot to breaks or teipami. TEYP - adhesive tape, similar to the plaster. Breis is a cloth retainer and several straps. In the heel spur, they are used to hold the arms of the foot in the stretched position.
  • Physiotherapy. Includes massages, baths, ultrasound, laser, shock-wave therapy, electrophoresis and gymnastics. Procedures improve blood circulation and cell regeneration, destroy the deposition of calcium salts.
  • Mazi Nesteroidal anti-inflammatory. Pyroxikov, diclofenac, voltar and others. Rub into place of education spurs 3-4 times per day.
  • Orthopedic spring insoles. Reduce the burden on the feet.

Folk remedies from the heel spur

In the treatment of fascite, do not neglect people's methods.

Lukova tincture

Ingredients. The quantity can be increased by observing the proportion of 1: 1:

  • luke husk - 1 cup;
  • vinegar 3-15% - 1 cup.


  1. Take a small jar and put a husk in it.
  2. Pour vinegar to the bank and block the lid.
  3. Insist two weeks in a dark place.
  4. In a thick layer, apply the composition on the heel and wrap it with a polyethylene package.
  5. Top put on the sock and do not remove the compress for 8 hours.

Honey therapy Spurs on the heel


  • honey - 1 large spoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • iodine solution - 50 ml.

Preparation and use:

  1. Ingredients Mix and superimpose on the heel before bedtime in the form of a compress.
  2. Wrap a patient with a cellophane package and put on warm socks.
  3. Do not remove the compress as soon as you wake up - pre-"dive" muscles for 15 minutes.

Treatment of Spurs in Baths

For the procedure, prepare a bath or a basic with warm water. In water dissolve sea salt without additives, 2-3 spoons per 1 liter of water. Lower the foot in the bath for half an hour, and when you take out, wipe dry with a towel and wrap the warm material. Instead of sea salt, you can use a mixture of iodine with soda - on a 3 liter of water 10 yoda droplets and 2 teaspoons of soda. The procedure with iodine is carried out no more than 10 minutes.

Felt massage

Take natural felt and rub the sore spot for about 20 minutes. Massage felt warms, accelerates blood and contributes to the destruction of calcium deposits.

Regularly conduct a relapse prevention of the disease - buy shoes on a comfortable spring sole, make a massage of the feet and sets of exercises for the muscles of the feet.

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