Bone corner after a fracture how to treat

Bone corner after a fracture how to treat

Bone corn is a normal phenomenon during rehabilitation after a fracture. It is a seal in the scene of the bone and accompanies the healing process of bone tissue. With proper treatment, as the bone structures restore the corn disappears itself. Otherwise, it can grow and cause significant inconvenience.

How Corn is formed

In the first week after the fracture, a soft spike from connective tissue is formed in the scene of the battle - piercing corn. Osteoid corn is formed from it, which over time is converted into bone tissue. The bone corner appears later, it develops from the cells of the endosta and periosity of the bones and is transformed into the bone in about a year. Depending on which bone was broken, the cause of corn is changing and its character:

  • Fracture of the clavicle. The term of formation is 1.5-2 months from the moment of fracture. It is usually absorbed after the splicing itself, but in some cases requires operational removal.
  • Fracture on the leg. Corn is formed in 1 month. May increase not only on the fingers, but also between them. To avoid a coarse mechanical impact on it during the walk, wear comfortable shoes.
  • Nose fracture. Corn sizes depend on how much bone tissue is injured.
  • Fracture of the rib. Corn develops within 3-4 months and is absorbed about a year.
  • Fracture heel. Corn formation period - 2-3 months.

How to diagnose corn

Education and development of bone corn can show radiography. Looking at the picture, the traumatologist determines the limitation of the fracture and the presence of pathology during the battlefield period. The fracture of any bone requires professional and timely treatment.

Types of bone formations

Distinguish the following types of bone corners:

  1. Periosal. It is formed from the cells of the periosteum and is located on the outside of the bone, along the fracture.
  2. Endostal. It develops inside the bone and makes it visually thinner.
  3. Intermedial. It is formed between broken parts of the bone, therefore it does not affect its appearance.
  4. Paraensional. It is formed from the affected soft fabrics around the place of the fracture. Externally looks like a large bump.

Conservative treatment

Treatment of bone corn is a long process. In the absence of pathology, it passes conservatively, in several stages. Recommendations of conservative treatment:

  1. In case of suspicion on the fracture, consult medical attention.
  2. Observe the mode prescribed by the attending physician.
  3. With an open fracture, regularly spend antibacterial processing.

In the second period of treatment, the doctor will appoint physiotherapeutic procedures, such as electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, therapeutic physical culture, massages. They will speed up the bone recovery process.

Anomalous elements

Anomalous corn after a fracture is formed in the following cases:

  1. Incorrect comparison of bone fragments, incorrect splicing tactics.
  2. Heavy and numerous open fractures.
  3. Weakened immunity of the body against the background of osteoporosis or diseases of the endocrine system.
  4. Purulent processes in the fracture site.
  5. Violation of the prescribed docks of fixation, an inexperienced increase in the load on the broken bone.

Radical treatment

If an abnormal bone corner has grown and swell, and the skin has flusted and hot, operational intervention is needed. The removal of the bone corn is surgically - a hazardous procedure that can lead to bone injury and secondary inflammatory processes. Doctors resort to it in extreme cases. Indications for removal:

  • continuous pain in the fracture site;
  • elevation and hyperemia of soft tissues.

During the treatment of the bone corn, which arose after the fracture, strive for ideal recovery - when the bone fully corrects its shape and functionality, and the corn will be practically not noticeable.

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Julia 20/05/2021 at 17:44.

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    a guest 28/11/22021 at 22:21

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