  • Anatomy
    When the level of uric acid in the body rises, it negatively affects health. Let us find out what the indicator of this component in the body is the norm and how to reduce the level of acid if it is raised.
    20.05.2019 275 1
  • Health
    Cholesterol takes part in the work of the brain, because it satages it with antioxidants. The zero-like substance is mainly formed in the liver.
    14.05.2019 371 1
  • Diseases
    Microorganisms falling on the face and in the corners of the mouth can provoke snakes. In the spring, immunity falls and more often can be encountered with such a problem.
    12.04.2019 281 2
  • Food and Drinks
    Oregano - Probably about this plant is not so much known to the majority, then those who know what kind of plant we will tell about how to collect and dry it and find out why it will need it.
    31.03.2019 273 0
  • Health
    Urbek is such a healthcare pasta. Make it out of nuts, poppy, pumpkin seeds, milk thistle, sesame, cannabis, nucleoli from apricot bones.
    16.03.2019 324 0
  • Health
    Spacese is treated with many diseases and even take it as prevention, because the spectrum of its impact on the human body is huge.
    06.03.2019 304 0
  • Health
    Doctors recommend using pumpkin seeds for prevention from worms, but the folk healers assure that such a product will help to quickly and effectively get rid of parasites.
    08.02.2019 329 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Kalina is an extraordinary berry, the healing properties of which help to defeat the cold, remove headaches, lower blood pressure, escape from insomnia.
    08.02.2019 285 0
  • Health
    After resting in nature, you discovered red-free and unbearably bite on the skin. Do not comb this place.
    08.02.2019 307 2
  • Food and Drinks
    Chamomile will help cure colds, digestion disorder and improve the condition of the skin and hair. From its dried flowers you need to make a decoction or infusion.
    05.02.2019 322 0
  • Diseases
    With the problems of legs, namely with the veins on them, many people face. In his youth for this, usually do not pay attention.
    03.02.2019 383 1
  • Vitamins
    You can strengthen immunity in winter by different methods: Drink vitamins from a pharmacy, to do with cold water, use various herbs.
    21.01.2019 301 0
  • Health
    Sea buckthorn oil helps with many famous diseases. His beneficial properties are known since ancient times, when even the most complex non-healing ulcers and erosion them and treated the meanheads.
    03.12.2018 251 0
  • Health
    Toothpache is considered one of the strongest and unpleasant, along with the ear. When the tooth begins to hurt, it seems that the pain penetrates the whole head and even a brain.
    11.11.2018 293 2
  • Health
    Dill is a plant that is used in many branches of our life, starting with cooking, ending with traditional medicine.
    29.10.2018 285 0
  • ethnoscience
    Probably, it's no secret that sea buckthorn oil is a very useful product that is advised to have always at hand.
    27.09.2018 264 0
  • Health
    Almost all people know that such an ear pain. It is very difficult tolerated, because the analgesics act weakly.
    14.09.2018 324 0
  • Eyes
    Ophthalmia (Photophthalmia, electric ophthalmia, electrophthalmia) - the so-called eye damage, obtained when working with welding without protective glasses.
    20.08.2018 395 0
  • Health
    Berries viburnum are especially tasty when they grab their first small frosts. The tartness and severe bitterness are replaced by tenderness and sweetness.
    29.07.2018 310 0
  • Diseases
    Chree is a boil, inflammation on the skin, accompanied by the suppuration. First, the hair bag is inflamed and the surrounding cloths are gradually involved.
    29.07.2018 399 1
  • Health
    Burns of varying degrees can bring serious pain and even become a threat to life. Easy pain, and accelerate healing will help special ointments.
    27.07.2018 393 3
  • Health
    Asparagus is a cultural plant that many more attracts to vegetables. It belongs to the Sparazhev family.
    21.07.2018 289 0
  • Treatment
    Many know about the healing properties of the submorm. Folk healers consider this product with almost panacea from all diseases.
    17.06.2018 300 0
  • Health
    Want to stop hurting with colds, and also get rid of a number of other diseases? Then on your windowsill must necessarily "settle" aloe.
    11.06.2018 404 0
  • ethnoscience
    In Russia, there are several types of wormwood, but the very famous wormwood is bitter (silver, pharmacy, widower grass), because it is used to treat various ailments.
    17.05.2018 408 0
  • Food and Drinks
    Pop will help to quickly cope with heartburn, because the soda refers to alkaline products. It should not be abused with a drink, but you need to know how to make a pop from soda.
    08.05.2018 375 0
  • Health
    In rainy autumn weather and cold winter help to recover from cough old grandmother's recipes. Radish with honey will help well, it will become an excellent substitute for expectorant drugs.
    29.04.2018 439 1
  • Health
    Bind in the mouth causes discomfort in a person's life. This state can suddenly occur and disappear.
    25.04.2018 365 0
  • Health
    In folk medicine, apple vinegar is considered almost panacea from all diseases. But it is necessary to take it solely for its intended purpose and in exactly these doses.
    14.04.2018 546 0
  • Diseases
    When obtaining blood test, it is possible to face the problem of platelet lack in its composition. With a strong deviation from the norm, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and with a light stage of thrombocytopenia, you can restore platelet levels at home.
    13.03.2018 398 0
  • Health
    Perga or bee bread is an amazing beekeeping product, which has long been applied to treat various diseases and strengthen the body.
    05.03.2018 469 0
  • Health
    Cough - is a sign of respiratory disease. This protective mechanism removes the sputum, dust, cigarette smoke from the respiratory tract.
    05.03.2018 368 1
  • Health
    Ancient Greeks said about the healing properties of flaxseed oil. Many folk healers call him Russian Gold.
    03.03.2018 462 1
  • Pregnancy
    During pregnancy, you must pay attention to your health. Of course, to isolate yourself from society for nine months it is unlikely to succeed.
    23.02.2018 337 0
  • Health
    Papillomas are native growths that contain vessels. They are not dangerous for life, but spoil the aesthetic appearance of human skin.
    11.02.2018 671 1
  • Vitamins
    As soon as the cold is coming, we, adults, begin to drink medicines, feeding their children to raise immunity.
    09.02.2018 465 3
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