Spacese is treated with many diseases and even take it as prevention, because the spectrum of its impact on the human body is huge. He not only spars the immunity and helps to cope with internal inflammation, but also helps the skin to pull up and pale shrama. Since the properties of propolis are not known to the end, it is important to figure out what form and in what doses it is taken.
Where does Propolis come from?
- Propolis is a glue that bees-workers "glue" hive. In addition to strengthening the "walls" of the bee house, it also serves as a mask, and "the entrance door. At the same time, his healing properties even affect the hive itself: it helps to keep clean, killing all sorts of bacteria.
- By chemical composition, propolis overtakes many substances - it has 16 components of organic substances. These include oils, proteins, resins, alcohols and other ingredients.
- In addition to its disinfectants, propolis is able to neutralize toxins. In addition, it slows down the growth and reproduction of those bacteria that he cannot destroy. It eliminates the body of disintegration, neutralizes the poisoning substances and speeds up the process of scarring RAS. Scientists from all over the world are still a thorough study of the properties of propolis in an attempt to expand its area of \u200b\u200buse.
Due to the properties of propolis, to maintain its abilities after exposure to high temperatures from it, all kinds of drugs are made. The tincture is one of them. In addition, the proprolis tinctures do not fail without alcohol, because it is precisely he can soften the initial product without the impact on it heat.
- Typically, the tincture is taken with the problems with the gastrointestinal tract and internal tumors. It is indispensable when exposed to the kidneys, a urinary system, skin, and even blood vessels.
When using it, the strengthening effect affects the whole body of a person. That is why it is recommended to apply with avitaminosis, poisoning and with all sorts of infections. - Prepare it from grated and washed propolis. Drain all unnecessary, it is dried and poured with alcohol, vodka or alcohol in herbs. Depending on the content of alcohol in the tincture, it happens 10% and 50%. In addition to alcohol-containing, there is another type of tincture - aqueous solution. It applies to those who alcohol is strictly contraindicated.
- The dosage of the drug largely depends on the type of disease and the concentration of the solution. If it is taken orally, it is used at least 20 drops at 150 g of warm milk or water. More than 60 drops at a time not recommended.
- If using an alcohol solution prepare water for rinsing, then alcohol solution is always used 3%. One tablespoon of such a liquid, diluted in warm water, will give a striking effect.
- For outdoor use, ribs, rubbing and other are used about 10 g of solution, which soak cotton swabs and cloths for further use.
- If for the treatment of mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, children require inhalation, then in 5 ml of the physiological solution, the entire drop of the tincture of propolis is bred. Up to ten years, the calculation of the dosage depends on the age - dropwise for a year.
Since the overdose of propolis is able to cause an allergic reaction more than a month, the course of treatment cannot last.
Honey mix with propolis
Propolis has a very peculiar taste and smell and it is exactly a sweet combination that allows it to take it literally in its pure form. From the neighborhood with propolis honey enhances its own healing properties, so such a mixture is not only tasty, but also very useful.
- For the preparation, propolis is melted over a pair, grinding it on the grater, and in the process of heating in the container, liquid honey is added.
- The dosage of such a mixture does not exceed one teaspoon at a time. It is used on an empty stomach, dissolved in fluoride for inhalations or bred in boiling water for compresses.
- In addition, such a honey is added to tea or drinking with milk. Since such a mixture is quite allergenic, the course is limited to 60 days of treatment. Typically, a similar mixture is used as the prevention of colds.
Use in gynecology
In gynecology, propolis is used as a way to quickly defeat the spreading infection or stop the growth of tumors. Propolis is especially popular in the treatment of uterine misa.
- As a treatment, in addition to douching, ointments and tinctures, special candles are used. In addition to them, the harnesses of them gauze are going to the treatment, which is trained with therapeutic propuls. They are called Tourunds.
- For the health of the body propolis and during pregnancy. Most often used as an additive to tea from the rosehip. The pinch of propolis weighing in 5 g is added to tea from the rosehip and insist the night. After that, tea is filtering and drinking like an ordinary drink.
In dentistry
- For the treatment of diseases of teeth and gums, it is recommended to chew natural propolis. Since it is a potent medicine, it is beginning to use it gradually, increasing the dosage with 5 g of substance. The chewing procedure is limited to 20 minutes so that the mucosa of the mouth does not suffer.
- Pregnant is recommended to reduce the dose to 2 g per day. In some diseases, including angina, the time of using propolis is not limited to 20 minutes per day. For greater effect, the procedure is used twice or three times a day.
Due to the breadth of the influence of the body, propolis is used in all sorts of visits to treat a wide range of diseases. The correct selection of dosage helps to avoid consequences when used.