How to take Eleutherokokk

How to take Eleutherokokk

To strengthen and overall health recovery, natural components will not be suitable: tincture, decoctions, as well as a healthy lifestyle. Eleutherococcus extract refer to the most effective methods to combat poor mood, handrea and raising general immunity. Start strengthening your health now, familiar with the full description of the drug.

As Eleutherococcus affects the body

  • The drug is well suitable for people suffering from increased fatigue, frequent overwork. The tincture of the plant strongly tones, increases the ability to work, mental capabilities, returns you to former activity.
  • If you have problems with the mood drops or its decline, Eleutherococcus will help get rid of the Handra.
  • Especially often used during asthenia and syndrome of chronic fatigue. If you notice that you are starting to annoy things to which you used to be stable, or negative thoughts appear in my head, relatively completely new things, then you can put the course of this fund.
  • In the epidemic and flu season, Eleutherokokok is able to protect you from colds and prevent infection.
    Despite the abundant list of advantages and the benefits of the eleutherococcus tincture and its other forms of release, this extract, like all drugs, has its own contraindications. You need to get acquainted with them.


Contraindications and side effects Eleutherococcus

  • The extract should be abandoned by people with arterial hypertension, a violation of the heart rhythm, who survived myocardial infarction, or with elevated excitability, liver cirrhosis.
  • If you start taking a toning drug, while yourself suffer from shipping, then the result can be the critical condition of your body.
  • Alcoholism is also prohibited at the reception of Eleutherococcus. Epilepsy, feverish and convulsive states, as well as sleep disorders, coupled with the drug, will make you only worse.
  • Set aside the extract when you have a period of illness by any infectious disease. You will be able to start drinking Eleutherokokok when you finally recover.
  • Also, if you take a tincture longer than the deadline or exceed the permissible dose, you risk obtaining an increased blood pressure for a long time. In addition, if at the reception of Eleutherococcus you noticed the enemy, stop the reception immediately.

Permissible doses of Eleutherococcus reception

  • You can start drinking Eleutherokokok from twelve years, before this age take the drug contraindicated.
  • For children to eighteen years old, a daily dose of 20 - 25 drops of the tincture of Eleutherococcus half an hour before meals in the first half of the day are recommended. Reception of the extract in the afternoon can negatively affect the quality of your sleep.
  • Adults can be taken to thirty drops of Eleutherococcus to lunch.
  • The course is on average twenty-five days. Less than twenty days to drink the drug practically does not make sense, since its accumulative effect will be too small. And the reception for longer than the month is prohibited. Make a break between the courses of at least six months.

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