How to take a licorice root

How to take a licorice root

Golodka is actively used not only in ordinary medicine, but in the people's treatment of a wide variety of diseases. The plant is partially used, since only the root has useful properties. It is used in dried form, boiled, as capsules, and also based on it. He won a special popularity among people with diabetes, because it is necessary that it is necessary - regulates blood sugar.

Even in ancient China, the influence of licorice root on the digestive system has noticed. It was used in the quality of medicine from disorder and heartburn. In combination with other herbs, she could eliminate abdominal pain and remove craving for fatty food. Also, teas contribute to the acceleration of the absorption of the stomach mucus, thereby preventing the development of the stomach ulcers.

Due to the fact that licorice root increases the tempo of metabolism, it helps to reduce weight. Also, due to antioxidant properties, it enhances immunity, so it is often used as a prophylactic agent from different types of diseases, including even cancer. The licorice root is taken with viral and simple herpes, since it is his tincture in folk medicine, the only one today, fights with their viruses.

According to the appointments of doctors, the licorice root is very useful for various colds. If irritation of the mucous membrane began, there were signs of laryngitis or tracheitis, the calming effect of the root will help to get rid of them. It also stimulates normal liver operation and has the ability to stop inflammatory processes. Homeopaths advise to drink the root tincture shortly before the start of menstruation to avoid pain, and even during fatigue or depression.

Brew the root of licorice is quite simple. You need to pour two hours l. Peda glass of boiling water. The daily dose of consumption of such tea should not exceed three glasses. If the abdominal pain is tormented, then melissa and daisies should be added to ordinary tea from licorice. Take it follows after meals, the dose is not more than one glass. The root tincture consists of five hundred grams of white wine, which is poured 50 g of a finely chopped root and give the mixture to flow ten days.

Children can also drink salted tea, as well as consume the root itself in natural form, but they need a special dosage. It is calculated depending on the weight of the child. If the mass is within thirty kilograms - the dose should not exceed the third of the dose of the adult, within the thirty-five - half of the dose part, and within forty-five - two-thirds. If the child is too small or thoracic, then give the root of licorice it is prohibited. Older children should take it no more than once a day.

As with any medical device, the root of licorice has contraindications. It is impossible to use it for longer than a month and half, otherwise it will entail poisoning. The symptoms of an overdose is increased pressure, pain in the head, apathy. The application of the root reduces the level of potassium in the blood, so the treatment of licorice must be accompanied by a large consumption of this element. It is strictly not recommended to take licorice root during pregnancy, so as not to provoke the miscarriage. It should also be known that it negatively affects the potency, reducing the level of testosterone.

The root of licorice is useful, tested by the time, a folk remedy that is easy to brew and take with various diseases.

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